Sources of Energy (Kundalini)
Published Date: 7/17/2021 1:47:25 AM
Sources of Energy - Dynamics - Kundalini
To become spiritual we should have a minimum quality of Equanimity. Should be able to love everyone equally.
Sources of Spiritual Energy
Food - Limited
Sleep - Limited
Turiya - Limited
Meditation - Unlimited.
Physical body - Needs Physical food
Protons - It gives Healthy & Longevity
- Recoupment of spend Energy
- This food should get digested by the Samana system and should be circulated to the entire body. All kinds of food will not have the same effect. We should take the right food.
Astral body - Invisible Food, It is the body which is doing all karmic things.
Lifetrons - Sleep Mode - This will give the energy to do our Karma.
Limited Energy But not enhances our mental capacities.
Mind Cosmic food - With Mediation, we get cosmic energy through Brahma Randhra which will help us to excel with a miraculous mind.
Spiritons Excellence - Unlimited Energy
Brahmi State(Turiya) - Cosmic Energy limited to Turiya State.
Physical Energy E = M X C2
Kinetic Energy (KI) = Matter X Speed of light 2
Electron - Electrical - thermal - chemical etc.
Dynamics of Energy
* Soul level - Wisdom-Excellence
* Conscious Level - Awareness
* Astral Body Level - Karma
* Mind Level - Thinking
* Kundalini Level - Transformational
* Prana Level - Sustenance
* Physical Level - Longevity
Energy Projections -- Type of Conscious -- Conscious -- Substitute conscious -- preconscious -- Unconscious.
Mind = 19 parts - Functionality
Functions State Stages
Thinking Waking Conscious
Dormant Sleep Unconscious
Intellect Dream
Ego Turiya
Kundalini - Seven chakras
Spiritually Energized Loving Force (SELF)
Astral body Direct Charge
Consciousness Conscious
Mind Kundalini
Management of performance Management of Wisdom
19 parts 72 energy tubes
6 chakras.
Kundalini Nadies -- Solar centre
There are 72,000 nadies or energy channels.
Out of them 3 Nadies (Ida, Pingala, and Sushumna) are important.
At the conscious level, only Ida and Pingala remain active.
At the subconscious level, Sushumna, the central channel is active.
Once abundant energy is secured, the energy will rise profusely toward upwards and reach Sahasrara (Mind) like a serpent standing on its tail and touching the head region. Man becomes aware totally.
Why is Kundalini often referred to as a coiled Serpent?
* Energy is stored in the bottom of the serpent-like reservoir. From the reservoir, energy will be pumped upwards. It is a solar center or Shakti Kshetra.
“Awakening of Kundalini” - Activating Kundalini
“A Complex Physio-Psycho-Spiritual transmutative-transpersonal-Transformative process” The entire process is also called Kundalini Syndrome.
Meditation is a divine provision for mankind to awake or activate Kundalini, the reservoir of energy. This is the provision to get rid of illusion/delusion.
Etheric Energy - It is a kind of flavor.
Awakening of Kundalini:-
In meditation, astral travel of the consciousness will accrue abundant energy that awakens the kundalini to rise up to Sahasrara through six chakras of energy associated with Ida and Pingala. This is a pointer for a balanced lifestyle by Ida and Pingala energies.
Meditation No meditation
Third Eye Physical Eyes
Astral Travel Physical travel
Knowledge Session See & Learn
Spiritual Wisdom Physical Knowledge
Kundalini - Solar Centre (Shakti Kshetra)
Chakras (Wheels)
All Parts - Mind - Brain
Jnanendriyas - Karmendriyas
Equipped with both energies -- Sahasrara - Thousand petalled lotus by “Kundalini awakening”
“A Complex physics-Psycho=Spiritual transformative process” in the yogic radiation.
The joy derived from the mind traveling through the Sushumna channel is unique.
It cannot be compared with any sensory pleasure.
Because of that inner joy, the mind loses its taste for worldly pleasures.
Sushumna will be activated through meditation. Pranavahika’s will pump this cosmic energy to all parts of the body.
Muladhara - Survival
Which governs sexuality, emotionally it governs stability, emotionally it governs sensuality, and spiritually it governs a sense of security. This is a base chakra and locates the base of the spine. This chakra is where the three main Nadis separate and begin their upward movement. Dormant Kundalini rests here.
Swadisthan - Self-esteem
Physically, swadhisthan governs reproduction, mentally it governs creativity, emotionally governs joy, and spiritually It governs enthusiasm.
Manipura - Showiness - Power
Manipura governs digestion, mentally it governs personal power, emotionally it governs expansiveness, and spiritually, all matters of growth.
Anahata- Silence, Love - Governs circulation, emotionally it governs, unconditional love for the self and others, mentally it governs passion, and spiritually it governs devotion.
Vishuddha - Communication - Nobility
Vishuddha may be underwood as relating to communication and growth through expression. This chakra is paralleled to the thyroid, a gland that is also in the throat and which produces thyroid hormone, responsible for growth and maturation.
Ajna - Direction, Institution
It is at this point that the two sides nadis Ida (Chandra) and Pingala (Surya) are said to terminate and merge with the central channel Sushumna, signifying the end of duality. This is Ardhanarishvara.
Sahasrara - Spirituality
Sahasrara which means 1000 petalled lotus, is generally considered to be the state of pure consciousness, within which there is neither object nor subject.
Root chakra -- I am
Sacral Chakra -- I feel
Solar Plexus Chakra -- I do
Heart Chakra -- I love
Throat Chakra -- I Speak
Third Eye Chakra -- I See
Crown Chakra -- I Understand.