Fire Element
Published Date: 6/19/2021 2:36:41 AM
- Summer is the season of Fire Element.
- It is the time when the young trees and plants of the springtime grow into maturity.
- The energy of Fire is expansive, it is a time of communication and of human connectedness.
- Red is the color, the sound is Laughter, emotion is Joy and the sense organ is the tongue.
- Four organs are associated with the Fire Element :
- The Small Intestine enables the processing of food, information, etc.
- The Heart is the emperor of all organs and governs the blood.
- The Heart Protector or the Pericardium protects the heart.
- The Triple Warmer or Triple Burner oversees the circulation of physical and emotional functions.
- When the Fire element is in balance, our ability to love, laugh, and connect with others is at its strongest. We are able to give and receive equally. It promotes passion, abundance, expansion, inspiration, intuition, and the desire to nourish intimate relationships or friendships. Fire fills us with spirited ‘vigor’.
- In our lives, this element is associated with the period of our youth when our physical and mental capacities reach the peak.
- Fire’s heat promotes our circulation (both physically and socially).
- Imbalances can lead to extreme sadness, lack of joy, and the fear of being lonely or rejected.
- An uncontrollable Fire can lead us towards destructive behaviors.
- In our bodies, the Fire Element governs our tongue, blood, arteries, and circulatory system.
- Any disturbance or disorder experienced in these areas is an imbalance of the Fire Element.
- Physically, Fire imbalance may manifest as insomnia, irritability, impulsiveness, high blood pressure, chest pains, headaches, flatulence, pimples, tendency to blush, chest pain, palpitations, problems with tongue, cardiac disease. Since the tongue is assigned to the Fire element, it can also cause speech disorders, stuttering, etc.