Classification of Marmas
Published Date: 6/19/2021 2:09:42 AM
- Traditionally, Marmas are classified according to the consequences of injury. Indeed, the medical knowledge of Marmas is based on the ancient Indian martial art Kalari, which is still practiced today in South India. In Kerala, young men are taught the traditional Kalari Payat, where they learn discipline, control of the body, mental concentration, and how to establish the integrated state of unity consciousness within themselves. In the adjacent state of Tamil Nadu, at the southernmost tip of the Indian subcontinent, this traditional Vedic martial art is called Kalari Payirchi.
- At first glance, these different reactions to injury do not appear to be so important. But the type of reaction following an injury actually gives important information about the likely response of a Marma to a healing treatment and its sensitivity to that treatment.
- Actually, it is the five elements that are responsible for these different reactions: Marmas which are dominated by fire react strongly to injuries; air Marmas are very sensitive to pain; and water Marmas react slowly, with a disturbance causing weakness.
- A Marma area is defined as a place where five types of tissue meet: muscle, blood vessels, tendons, bones, and joints. Sometimes nerves are also mentioned. At every point one of these tissue elements dominates. Thus, we can distinguish 11 muscle, 41 blood vessel, 27 tendons, 8 bone, and 20 joint Marmas (total 107)
- 11 muscle marmas, 41 blood vessel marmas, 27 tendon marmas, 8 bone marmas, 20 joint marmas. Total 107 marmas and the 108th marma is our Atma (Soul).