Pushan Mudra
Published Date: 4/13/2021 9:44:03 AM
How to perform :
- This mudra is performed differently with both hands.
- Right Hand: Join the tips of the index finger and Middle finger to the tips of the Thumb.
- Left Hand: Join the tips of the middle finger and Ring finger to the tips of the Thumb.
- The other fingers are kept straight and relaxed.
- Place the palms, face-up, on your knees or thighs.
- Keep your spine and head straight, shoulders relaxed.
- Dedicated to Pushan or sun - God of warmth, energy, and nourishment.
- Both hands form different mudras. (Refer to instructions)
- Right-hand makes the Vyan Mudra.
- Left-hand forms the Apan Mudra.
Benefits of Pushan Mudra:
- Increases Space, Earth, and Air elements in the body.
- Increases energy and immunity.
- Provides Strength, Stamina, and Endurance.
- Detoxifies the body by facilitating the excretion of metabolic wastes through stools, urine, and sweat.
- Mudra for assimilation and absorption of both food and experiences in life.
- Symbolizes accepting and receiving, with the gesture of one hand.
The other hand symbolizes flow, giving, and letting things go.
Strengthens digestion.
Provides strength to lungs.
The nervous system is benefited.
Prevents Heart diseases and high blood pressure.
Results in a balanced state of intake and elimination.
Intensifies breathing and absorption of oxygen and release of carbon dioxide in the lungs.
Excellent curing nausea, seasickness, flatulence, and feeling of fullness after a meal.