Sahaj Shankha Mudra
Published Date: 9/18/2021 6:57:37 AM
How to perform :
- Interlock the fingers together, pressing the palms against each other.
- Join both the thumbs at their length, laying them parallel to each other, pressing down on the index finger of the right hand.
- Place the palms, face-up, on your knees or thighs.
- Keep your spine and head straight, shoulders relaxed.
- It is a simpler form of Shankha Mudra.
Benefits of Sahaj Shankha Mudra:
- Activates 10 main nadis, the body becomes strong.
- Growth in alertness.
- Removes problems of Reproductive System.
- Good for women who have irregular periods.
- Cures Fissure and Piles.
- Cures problems related to Anus.
- The spinal Cord becomes straight and gains flexibility.
- Brings improvement in Stammering.
- Cures all voice-related disorders.
- Makes the voice sweet. Hence must be used by singers.
- Benefits in throat problems.
- Improves Digestion.
- Eliminates Gas problems.
- Beneficial in Intestinal problems.
- Pressing the palms together puts pressure on the area below the thumbs. This affects the Solar Plexus.
- Affects the Heart Chakra, thus improves Blood Circulation.
- Perform for 15 minutes 2-3 times a day.