Ethics & Spiritual Science
Published Date: 6/17/2023 5:52:49 AMThere is only one science, i.e. spiritual science. All other science is part of this spiritual Science. Spiritual metaphysical science deals with invisible things and non-perceivable, i.e. energy, wisdom. Ethics and spiritual science are inter-related. When we know spiritual science, we automatically know ethics, i.e. what is right and what is wrong.

Spiritual Science
There is only one science. i.e. spiritual science and all other science is part of this spiritual science. Happiness lies in Spiritual science.
Three main goals of the academy are:
Noble: Having a loving personality, not to hate others, be…

Divine Matrix
Divine Matrix:
- It is a cosmic web Connecting, physicality, spirituality, miracles, time, space, speed, quantum physics, belief, imagination, concentration, nature and relationship, and everything in our life. It is energy.
- We are the web. Our mind is the axle, center…

Define GOD
Three concepts of perceiving the GOD
Scriptural Dictum - Shastra Pranama
Yantra - Mechanical Unit
If we think we have five elements of this universe, like earth, fire, water, air, ether, which can also be known as ingredients of this universe.…

Science of Meditation
Science of Meditation:
Breath is the passage of Energies. Meditation is called Dyana or Dhyanam.
Dheeh + Yana = Dhyana
Dheeh, means Spiritual Intellect (Sharp Thinking/ Spiritual Wisdom/ Understanding un-understandable things) and Yana represents Travelling, which means we have to live with our…

Analysis of “I” & “You”
Analysis of "I" & "You"
Universal usage of terms I & U
These words are common and do not belong to any one of us.
We have four questions of wisdom before us "Law of Oneness".
Who is "I"?
What is "I"?

Illusion & Delusion
Illusion & Delusion:-
Illusion: We mistake the rope to be a snake in the darkness.
Delusion: We mistake the rope to be a snake in the darkness though we are told that it is not a snake in detail. Though you…

Sources of Energy (Kundalini)
Sources of Energy - Dynamics - Kundalini
To become spiritual we should have a minimum quality of Equanimity. Should be able to love everyone equally.
Sources of Spiritual Energy
Food - Limited
Sleep - Limited
Turiya - Limited
Meditation - Unlimited.
Physical body…

Emotion, Reaction, Response
Emotion, Reaction, Response:-
Emotion - Energy in motion, Not entirely based on reason/knowledge.
These emotions are not balanced. There is no application of mind for some emotions.
Emotions are Nine (9) usually that we experience in our day to day life.…

The target of spiritual science is to enlighten everyone.
The removal of ignorance is Enlightenment.
Enlightenment is the realization of Self. We have to understand who am I?
SELF - Self Energized Loving Force
Self is “I” What is Self (Doing)?…

Divine Purity & Vegetarianism
Divine Purity & Vegetarianism:
- Three important ingredients of Spiritual science is Ability (light), Love (Nobility and power (Capability).
- Divine purity is related to Divinity in Theology. (Subject of GOD).
- Divinity is beyond doubt - It is subtle, People cannot follow…

Domestic Tranquility
Domestic Tranquility:
- Spiritual Domestic Tranquility - Family heads.
- A Blissful family - A universal family we are all one no disparity.
- No other relationship or religion, All are friends - A Single religion. All are supported by the same energy…

Money and Spirituality
Money and Spirituality:
People think…
Money is bad, dangerous, risky, etc. They hate rich people.
Money is everything, there is no life without money.
Both versions are wrong!
In fact, Money itself is neither bad nor good. It depends on the user of…

- When are you feeling happy? Everyone feels happy for different reasons, depending on the person. One day we feel happy when we do nothing. We feel happy to do service. We have many things to be happy about. So…

No Blame Game
No Blame Game:
- Take life sportively - Life is a game, play it. Do not take it seriously.
- Universe - Earth Planet
- The universe is a beautiful playground, not a battleground and a beautiful garden, not a thick forest.
Soulful Wisdom for enlightenment
Satsanga: Where "Satya" is attained, and after which nothing remains to be done.
Satya: That which never perishes, that which lasts forever, is called Satya or truth; like "Atma" or soul. "Atma" never perishes.
Mithya: That which dies after taking birth, gets…

Spiritual Reality
- “Spiritual reality” takes you through a unique journey, a journey that will change your life a journey that will enrich you and make you knowledgeable and blissful.
- Spiritual reality is a program on meditation and meditational experiences while you…