Analysis of “I” & “You”
Published Date: 9/1/2021 5:52:16 AM
Analysis of "I" & "You"
Universal usage of terms I & U
These words are common and do not belong to any one of us.
We have four questions of wisdom before us "Law of Oneness".
Who is "I"?
What is "I"?
Who am "I"?
Removal of Ignorance will be the karma-kanda of so many lives. The wheel of ignorance will go way with the wisdom of "I".
Who is "I"? Is it your name? If not, why are you using "I"? "I" is not the name of anyone, yet all are using? It is something related to all of us. So is "You".
"I" = Self-consciousness.
"I" indicates self.
"I" is a pronoun.
"Self" is a Noun.
"I" stands for Self.
"I" is not a physical body, It is not your physical name, It is the energy system inside our body which is self-consciousness. Self or spirit or soul or "Atma" which is same.
"You" is a pronoun.
What is the noun form?
Your "Self" is the noun form of "You".
"I" for "Self"
"You" for "Self"
"She" for "Self"
"He" for "Self"
"It" for "Self"
"I" stands for "My self".
"You" stands for "Yourself".
"He" stands for "Himself".
"She" stands for "Herself".
"It" stands for "Its Self".
Analysis :
I = Self = Aham Brahmasmi = I am Consciousness.
You = Self = Tat Twam Asi = You are also 'That'.
He = Self = Soham (saha + aham) = He is also 'I'.
She = Self = Soham (saa-- Aham) = She is also 'I'.
It = Self = Om Tat Sath = It is also 'I'.
Soham or Sohum (सो ऽहम् so 'ham or so 'Hum) is a Hindu mantra, meaning "I am She/He/That" in Sanskrit. In Vedic philosophy, it means identifying oneself with the universe or ultimate reality. The mantra is also inverted from 'ham (the sandhi of saḥ + aham) to ham + sah.
I = Yourself, You = Yourself, He = Himself, She = Herself , It = Itself.
Now If you remove 'My', 'your', 'his', 'her' and 'It' which are only pronouns, you find all of us left with self alone permanently.
I = You = He = She = Self = Spirit = Brahman = That = all that is
We are self-conscious.
We are not the body.
That is oneness.
This is spirituality - Only one Religion.
What is "I" or "Self"? [Doing]
The purpose of this 'Atma' sitting in physical bodies and doing:
All the perspective of the mind should align with the soul giving out wisdom from the soul and performing Karma Kanda.
"Satyam. Jnanam, Anantham Brahman"
(Self = Energy Wisdom;
In Sanskrit = Shakti & Yukti)
[Vivekachudamani - Adi shankaracharya]
"I" = Self
Functions of Soul :
Pragnanam Brahman.
Wisdomeful thinking -- [Light - Jnanam]
Truthful speaking -- [Love - Satyam]
Infinite Working -- [Power - Anantham] -- You can work to any extent - You can accomplish anything.
Self-study, Self-decision, Self-confidence, self-effort, self-development, self Realization, self-thinking, Self-respect, self-help, self-knowledge, self-discipline, self-support, self Dependent, self-made.
"I" and "You" mean truthfulness, wisdomfulness, and unlimitedness.
Humans use this word across the globe.
Humans alone need to be truthful, wisdomful, and complete persons.
Hence, we need to be true, wise, and complete men when we are using “I”
Analysis of Surreal Human Body
'I', 'Me', and 'My Body'.
I belong to Soul.
'Me' is different from 'I' which belongs to the physical.
Human has three bodies -- This is body consists of three bodies and 25
Physical Body -- Compressed Energy - My body is made up of Pancha bhutas.
Astral Body -- Mind Astral body (Me) which has Sushma body
Spirit body - Spirit Atmic body.
Atma -- Energy (No name)
Astral body -- We have this in the Physical body. we have 19 parts ( contains 5 Pranas P-A-V-S-U)
Performance is the work of the Astral body.
Mind -- 4 parts in it Mind, Intellect, Ego, and Memory (Mano, Buddhi, Ahankara, Chitta)
After thinking with the mind, we have got an understanding which is Intellect. Once we got that understanding or intellect, then the man will get Ego as he thinks he understands everything, so he becomes an egoistic person. He thinks his mind did this so becomes egoistic. He also recovers from memory (Chitta or Memory) .
The soul will secure all energies (Kundalini).
5 Pranas - Giving life (Working, Moving, Manifesting)
P - Prana Air (Breathing- Inhaling and exhaling), A-Apaana Which excretes all waste from our body, V-Vyana (Circulation of blood), S- Samana (Digestive system), U (Udana) Flying away which will split the physical body into the astral body. This helps us when we want to part out of our physical body.
Another 10 are Indriyas which are organs.
Two parts
Sense organs (Gnanedriyas):- To convey objective information to mind (Vision (Eye), Listening (Ears), Skin (touch), Tasting (Tongue), and Nose (Smelling).
Performance / Duty Organs (Karmedriya):- Mouth (eating), Legs(movements), Hands, Anas, reproductive organs.
Physical Body - Comprises of Earth, water, fire, air, and space. (5 elements). This is just a matter.
Without a physical body, the astral body can not function.
All together 25 parts. 25 is called panachavikhsathi.
When we have a name, someone has a name Rama, What is this name? Is this pertaining, Is this physical body? Astral body ? or Atma. Whoever performs will have a name. So Rama is the name of the Astral body. It is not for Atma. Atma does not belong to one person. So only the mind belongs to the person. When Rama dies, the physical body becomes Rama’s body. Performance is done by the Astral body. But performance is done with the help of the Physical body. Without a physical body, the astral body can not function.
When a man becomes a Spiritual man ? and a Physical man?
The structure is the same for both. Atma is supporting both. Both have minds and 25.
The mind has to be trained to do better instructions to the body. When sense organs are very active, then sense organs will pump all ideas to the mind. When the mind always thinks of external things and pumps external things, then he will become a physical man.
When once a man has control over sense organs, when he says, I will think my own, then he will approach soul to control the mind, then the soul will observing Inhaling and exhaling, it switches of mind and sits there where we can become a spiritual man, if the soul is attached to the mind, then we become a physical man. This is explained well in the Patanjali Yoga sutra.
I - Self which is Immortal, Omnipresent, Omnipotent, all that is
The perfume of "I" - Love, light and power, peace, emptiness, Infinite.
ME- Subtle body with 19 parts invisible [Mind+I] engineering the physical body with this perfume of the I through its organ of mind with free will.
Physical body = Five elements -- No name. Just vehicle.
Question: From which body will all these Kama, krodha, mada, mastrayam be raised?
Answer: They do not belong to the body at all. They do not belong to anyone. We are all born pure. All these feelings or emotions coming outside to our minds. When the mind is affected, the whole body is getting affected. They are not ours. They are coming from outside.
Emotions are not part of DNA. While the mind is growing, it is attracting all things from society. It is not from Jeans. Emotions will not come from DNA. we can clear all of them from the mind by doing meditation.
All these 5 pranas have 5 apparatus supported by physical organs.
There are only three bodies - Physical, Astral, and Spiritual bodies. Other bodies like causal, supra casual, Nirvanic are not bodies, they are layers of bodies.