Published Date: 7/17/2021 8:27:30 AM
The target of spiritual science is to enlighten everyone.
The removal of ignorance is Enlightenment.
Enlightenment is the realization of Self. We have to understand who am I?
SELF - Self Energized Loving Force
Self is “I” What is Self (Doing)?
Satyam, Jnanam, Anantham
Eternal, Wisdom, Infinite -- Vivekachudamani
'Pragnanam Brahma'
“Wisdom is Brahma” -- Rig Veda
“Ayam Atma Brahma”
“This self is Brahma” -- Atharva Veda
Wisdom is Brahma-Brahma is self.
Wisdom= self
Knowledge from any corner of the globe is acceptable.
Enlightenment happens in Meditation - Dhyana
By astral travel, the astral body fetches higher knowledge from the celestial worlds to follow on this earth’s planet.
Samadhi -- Only in Meditation, one can perceive The Brahman, Physical eyes can’t see subtle eyes are required. Third Eye is established.
In the State of Samadhi, all past Karmas will be Burnt, and one will gain his own pure state of existence and shines everywhere on his own. When we know our capacities, then we would be able to perform well in this external world. In the Samadhi state, all memory will be deleted and you feel bliss.
By continued practice, if one is the abode of the Creator/Brahman, he becomes though-free to experience the Divine purity/Bliss!
Enlightenment - Atmasakshatkar
Purity [Mindfulness]
Higher Knowledge
Rapture [ Great Happiness]
Serenity [Samadhi=Sama + Aadhi] Menas Tranquility with no Duality ( Pure divinity with Creativity) - No discrimination, treating everything alive, everyone alive.
Enlightened - Rishi - Astmasakantkari (Sanskirt)
On who works in accordance with his own self [wisdom] -- Working as per your own soul guidance. When we are doing meditation, Cosmic energy flows to the body which will awaken Kundalini. A lot of intuition will come from our soul.
One who works with 'Atma Jnana' - Atma Jnani is "Atmasakshatkari"
One becomes aware of his attributes in their own true nature
When he is enlightened, he removes Violence from his life. All sorts of ill-will will be removed.
Non Violence [Absence of Violence]
Manasa - Mind
Vacha -- Speaking
Karmana - Action
The robbing of peace is violence. It is a crime. It attracts the law of Karma.
Enlightenment dissolves abnormalcy.
Abnormalcy --
Wrong thinking
Underestimating- disliking - fear - psychosis - worrying- Inferiority - Superiority - wrong opinion - Comparing - Copying - Low Confidence - Overconfidence
Against self or others.
Wrong communication
Shouting-scolding-insulting-ill treating - abusing - complaining
Against self and others.
Wrong Deed
Quarreling- fighting, hitting, hurting, harming, damaging, cheating, reacting, revenge, punishing, etc. Against self or others.
Mahan Vyakti (An enlightened Master) An Achiever
A Sweet Man
He is a friend of the globe
He is sufficient for himself
He will never ask anything, anyone, anywhere except for universal welfare
Wisdom is sharable since it is nobody’s
-Simply An enlightened master is a sweet man like a sugar cane, It gives sweet only always, though crushed, twisted, hit, squeezed, pressed, beaten, or eaten away.
And finally
Enlightenment -- Right from the time you get up in the morning and till you go to the bed in the night, any time during all this period in between, if you are disturbed in your mind for any reason whatsoever, you understand, you are yet to be enlightened. If you are not disturbed, you can say, you are already enlightened.
Enlightenment is the end of suffering. Enlightenment is our birthright.