Published Date: 7/17/2021 2:04:23 AM
- When are you feeling happy? Everyone feels happy for different reasons, depending on the person. One day we feel happy when we do nothing. We feel happy to do service. We have many things to be happy about. So we need to be happy.
- Happiness is not outside to purchase. Your Souls itself is happiness. Some do not know this, they are not happy. Some knew this, But cannot align their mind with the soul, they are not happy.
What are you looking for?
- So we want comfort and things to feel happy.Happiness is the state where we do not need anything. So Happiness comes from outside and from inside. External happiness comes from things. So we make slaves to these things. So we feel we need more and more. Then we have feelings of Like and dislike. Then we become more and more selfish which will lead to an increase of Ego. So duality means, we are becoming more selective and we are choosing life closer and closer. We become selfish. We are becoming narrow.
- Whenever we want something from outside, we keep a desire, a prick in our heart. So more desires, we are keeping more pricks in our hearts. When a desire comes true, we take out of that prick. When we take out all pricks, which means we fulfill all desires, then our heart is empty. We are happy. So Happiness comes from that emptiness.
- When someone loves coffee, if they are sipping, they forget to think, their mind is empty, they are happy. But once that is done, they will have many things in mind, happiness is gone.
Where is true happiness?
- Happiness is an empty state with no desire. To Get that emptiness we need meditation.
Bliss: To feel that feeling of bliss we need to do Meditation.
Find the difference between need or want it?
- If you need it that is necessary, but want is something making you greedy.
- If you need a car to travel, it is needed. If you need a car to show others that you are are better than others desire.
- Sense object enjoyment [Temporary], Comforts [Body], Pleasures [Body+Mind], Peace [Mind]. In this state, we get likes and dislikes, Law of depreciation, moods, etc. When we get what we like, we make our mind free while enjoying that. So we feel happiness.
- No-sense object enjoyment [Permanent]: When no sense of object is involved, we call it no-sense object enjoyment. This is possible only in the alignment of mind with soul in Meditation.
- Happiness out of meditation is continuous and bliss and this is soul enjoyment. So we get Bliss [Self - Soul enjoyment which comes from Empty mind]. This permanent happiness comes from Meditation.
- Maintain a checklist and work based on that. So that you will not have anything in your heart. You can have 1000 desires, but don’t keep them in your heart. Keep a checklist and work on it. So you are keeping everything outside and working on that. Work without expectations.
- We should have 1) Objective 2) No expectations. 3) Empty heart.
- True happiness is unchanging, everlasting. This is Bliss - Ananda where there is no pleasure or pain.