Money and Spirituality
Published Date: 7/17/2021 2:07:30 AM
Money and Spirituality:
People think…
Money is bad, dangerous, risky, etc. They hate rich people.
Money is everything, there is no life without money.
Both versions are wrong!
In fact, Money itself is neither bad nor good. It depends on the user of money. How one uses, for the good or bad!
And Money isn't everything! Money is something important. It has limitations. Once we get minimum needs fulfilled, a lot more money may not give a lot more happiness.
Money & Spirituality:
What do people think of spirituality?
Spirituality is only for the old who have no responsibilities.
People turn spiritual only when they are paupers with no money and unsuccessful in their lives.
Both versions are wrong!
Spirituality is for everyone, young or old alike. It ensures success for the unsuccessful and retains success for the successful.
Money = Profit; Soul = Spirituality
“For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole worlds, and lose his own soul ?” - Jesus of Nazareth
Money + soul = spirituality
“Live long and Prosper !” -- The Vulcan Salute, Star Trek
“Seek Ye first the kingdom of GOD and his Righteousness and all the things shall be added unto you: - Jesus (Matthew 6:33)
Money & spirituality are complementary and non-competitive.
Money Spirituality
Earned Gained
Money is for caring Physical body Spirituality is for caring soul and mind
Money is exchangeable Sharable.
Money always less given and more taken Always more given
Somebody's gains are another's loss Somebody’s gain is nobody’s loss, but gain.
Money makes losses also Spirituality makes only gains
Money begets results - Milited Spirituality begets rewards-unlimited
Money triggers pain and pleasure Spirituality removes pain and pleasure.
The money belongs to the earth Spirituality belongs to both earth and heaven
We cannot attribute right or wrong to money. If the user is spiritual, money becomes Spiritual!
If one uses if, for physical propose, money is physical
So money is both good and bad, physical and spiritual.
Money is Currency
Currency is of current
Current is power
Power is energy
Energy is spirit
Money is Spiritual
Spiritual is energy
Both Money and spirituality are our friends alike!
People think that money is the source of sorrow
Man is in distress. Desire is the cause? We think it is money!
Money isn't the cause of our sorrow. This is an illusion
Illusion: People think money is a source of Happiness.
When one is not happy after spending, he feels sorrow for the loss of money.
Earning money - Ethically - Not asin
Unethically earned money is useful only up to ¼ of it and ¾ go to others
How you spend is the subject
Then what is Happiness?
It is totally spiritual!
Unless one is spiritual, he cannot be happy;
Spirit or soul itself is happiness
Happiness in non-objective enjoyment
Self Enjoyment I
It is Self Discipline!
Book : Alkami of Happiness --Sufi.
1. Earning Money - Ethically - Not a sin
2. Unethically earned money is useful only up to ¼ of it and ¾ will go to others.
3. How you spend is the subject.
4. More earning is not riches
5. More spending is not riches
6. More saving is not riches
You are rich if you need no more
Earning money is not a target! to achieve a target we earn money
We learn to use and not misuse!
Earning money is not a target!
To achieve a target, we earn money.
We must therefore feel good about money irrespective of whether we have or do not have.
Money is not for hoarding! It is for use!
So Learn to use the money That happens by giving!
Give without expectations
Work without expectations
Whenever given without expectations comes around
Law of Giving
When some give without expecting a return, he/ she will be entitled to receive rewards.
Results - Physical (Earned) against expectations
Rewards - Spiritual (Gained) against no expectation.
You stand for Spiritual Benefit
Spiritual Benefits - Rewards unlimited.
Rewards will be Greater than the results of your work
"Krishnarpanam" - Surrender to self
Invisible gains - Incomparable miraculous gain.
Money is Spiritual
Respect Money value = Material wealth
Do not hate
Love money
Invoke Money
Honor the Money
Do not neglect money
Give/Pay dues with respect
Do not store money
Feel no ego
Respect your job
Earn for yourself
How to invoke Money?
It will not come to your call! You must be loving and kind of money!
You must have a pure heart!
You must invoke by spiritually enlightened
One we are true to ourselves, we can retain wealth with us for a long time!
Because Truth, wisdom, wealth and justice and inseparable
Where-ever Truth is there, all the other three will remain together.
Your work is for "Loka Kalyan" -Universal welfare
Whatever you get is also from the Universe
You need to keep for your needs and necessities and spare the rest of money for universal cause. Violations lead to distress.
Money is an instrument. It is the energy of the subject that assumes and resumes the power to the holder of money.
Imagine a world where the majority of the invokers of the money is with meditators.
“Imagine what the world would be like if the majority of money is unconscious hands”
When you have money, You can reach out and help many, many people And this is what spirituality is !