No Blame Game
Published Date: 7/17/2021 1:55:52 AM
No Blame Game:
- Take life sportively - Life is a game, play it. Do not take it seriously.
- Universe - Earth Planet
- The universe is a beautiful playground, not a battleground and a beautiful garden, not a thick forest.
The Universe is a beautiful Garden:
- We go to a garden to enjoy and return. We should not pluck any flower to make it a dessert and avoid being caught up there.
- This universe is also a garden; all creatures including us are beautiful flowers; we should not hurt anyone, and avoid the bondage of Karmas.
- However, you can water the plants in the garden if you have excess water, without asking for money too. Similarly, we can also help anyone in case of need in this universe without expectations if you can. Nothing else, please! (Ref: Bhagavat Githa 2nd chapter 45 stanza).
- In the universe, we are all players. A playground, you have to win or lose - No help (Help unasked is an interference) We are in a Football Game. No blame game.
- If you blame, it's a battleground.
- You create your own realities, nobody is to blame.
- You have to make a goal to one gives you goal in football. No one helps you with a free ball to make your goal. Everyone takes away your ball. Everyone disturbs your way. You cannot blame your opposite players. You cannot find fault with him as per rules. It is a game. If you retort, you will be out.
- You need to know more play to avoid such a case.
- If you pick up a fight, you will be out.
- You cannot have any goal if you are out and not in the game.
- Be in the game. You can make a goal next time.
- We should learn more games to overcome the odds and make the goal without retorting anyway. You are in the game of living/co-existence
- Sangham Sharanam Gachami
- Soham ( Saha + Aham) is also myself. He is also GOD.
Game of Living:
- You are entering into the game of life without knowing the rules of the game of co-existence.
- You have a goal to achieve. Everyone around you has a goal.
- Many create obstacles to go ahead of you for their goal.
- You get confused and find fault with someone you retort and create a tussle.
- You are turbulent and unhappy. You may lose your goal.
- We are ignorant of the rules on the subject.
Life game :
- Everyone is fighting for their goal.
- We cannot fight with [As there is light in the football game].
- We learn how to overcome and go forward to achieve the goal.
- We can not blame anyone.
- If you blame, it becomes a battleground.
- We cannot quit the world, if we cannot learn we need to re-enter the world again to learn.
In the Life game, we may face.
- Insults - Ignore
- Failures - Complete
- Shouting's - Respond
- Harassments - Patient
- Cheats - Be careful
- Scold's - Checkup reasons etc.
- We should not blame anyone. In fact, they are helping in our learning how to be sober in such events.
- Rules of the Game of Living/co-existence.
- Non-Violence (Dharma Palana)
- If you are violent, you make life a battle for you.
- We create our own realities. We are responsible for our issues.
- The mark of your ignorance is the depth of your belief in injustice and tragedy.
- Nothing is the worst thing that can happen to use -Bach Illusions
Dhihi + Yana = Dhyana