Metal Element
Published Date: 6/19/2021 2:37:04 AM
- Autumn is the season associated with the metal element
- It is a time of inhalation and exhalation – we take in pure clean air and let go of that which is not pure.
- It is a time of letting go and making room for that which is yet to come, just as the trees let go of the dried up leaves.
- It is a time when the air is pure and clearer and we can breathe in more deeply.
- The color of Metal is white, its sense organ is skin, the sound is weeping or sighing and the emotion is grief.
- The organs of the Lung and Large Intestine are associated with the Metal Element.
- The lungs affect our ability to take in (inhale) and the Large Intestine is in charge of elimination or letting go.
- Healthy and balanced metal energy manifests in being receptive to taking in what we need and letting go of that which we no longer require.
- Imbalances can lead to overvaluation in material objects.
- Our lack of receptivity starts affecting our lung function, and the ability to let go. Constipation of spirit and emotions occurs just as it does in the physical body when we hold on to emotions and objects. As a result, many physical mental, and spiritual processes get blocked.
- In our lives, the Metal Element corresponds to our third age. Therefore, the qualities of Metal manifest in our old age when our bodies become smaller in size and we seek to organize our surroundings by disposing of extraneous belongings or moving into smaller dwellings. We become more conservative, inactive, contemplative, and slow.
- We lose the bursting vitality of our young age.
- With an imbalanced Metal, you may have a tendency to cling to your opinions, values, possessions, objects, or emotions. You are prone to reject what is new and opposing to your value system, and you may exhibit a pessimistic view of life. You may become cold, domineering, obsessed with organization and hygiene.
- Imbalances in the Metal element can lead to melancholy, excessive sorrow, grievance.
Physically, it leads to problems in the nose and sinuses, emphysema, rhinitis, sinus infections, allergies, various skin problems such as moles, warts, excessively dry skin, asthma, chronic cough, shortness of breath, constipation, hemorrhoids, anal fistula, colitis, and large intestine issues.