Mudra for Weather Sensitivity/ Season Change Sensitivity
Published Date: 6/19/2021 2:39:12 AM
Different mudras will be performed by both hands.
3 minutes daily, 2x a day, 25-minute intervals.
- This mudra is for people who suffer from many problems whenever there is a change in the weather or the season.
- For some people, a change in the weather can cause pain in the body. This is indicative of weather sensitivity.
- For some people, scars from operations and injuries of some time back can suddenly cause pain. This is also sensitivity.
- People who tend to be sensitive to weather are more susceptible to wind diseases and thus their quality of life can suffer.
- Weather sensitivity is also expressed by the dependence on the phases of the moon.
- Frequent waking up at night when the phases of the moon change is also a sign of being weather-sensitive.
- The change of the moon phase does not just mean the new moon or the full moon phase. There is a moon phase every week: new moon, full moon, and the two crescents.
- Symptoms that coincide with the phases of the moon also have an effect on menstruation.
- Women with regular complaints should combine this mudra with the Mudra for Menstrual Complaints.
- Combine with mudra with the Mudra for Allergies if you suffer from cold, cough, and allergies due to weather/season changes.