Healing Through Angelic Number
Published Date: 9/18/2021 3:05:12 AM
Seeing specific numbers or number sequences are a prominent and clear way for the universe to communicate to us. Pythagoras stated that our universe is ruled by numbers, and everything is mathematically precise. Numbers are a universal language, and repeating numbers are found in geometry, sound, and in many realms of science. Each number has its own meaning and specific vibration. Recognizing and interpreting these numbers or sequences of numbers will connect you to the messages the angels, or the universe are trying to communicate.
- 000: The number 0 symbolizes 'Eternity'. It is considered to represent the beginning of a spiritual journey and highlights uncertainties. It represents wholeness, oneness, and continuing cycles, and encompasses the attributes of all the other numbers. 0 is Alpha (beginning) and Omega (the Highest), as there is no beginning and no end. All is infinite. 0 relates to prayer and/or meditation practices. It is a message to ‘listen’ for guidance. The Universe is emphasizing a message to you and asks that you pay attention and follow the guidance without delay. 000 is a reminder that you are one with the Universe. 0000 when appearing in a number sequence is an indication to you that a situation or issue in your life has come full circle.
- 111: This number carries the energies of 1 and the master number 11. Combined it suggests new beginnings, independence, individuality, masculinity, assertiveness, success, leadership, originality, initiative, pioneer, organizer, instinct, courage, achievement, inspiration, strength, creativity, self-reliance, tenacity, forcefulness, authority, strong willpower, leniency, attainment, happiness, glory, fame, uniqueness, omniscience, fulfillment, innovation, risk-taking, originality, high achievements, initiative, ambition, courage, inspiration, instinct, oneness with life, self-development, progress, creativity, tenacity, leadership, strength. Your intuition is strong right now and you should ensure your thoughts are positive and in alignment with your intention and dreams. 11.11 is also related to twin flames and starts to pop up when
once maybe about to meet their twin flame.
- 222: 22 is a master builder number and when combined with another 2 becoming triple, is extremely powerful. It is a sign to keep going in the direction you are in and encourage that your hard work and focus will pay off and that evidence of a manifestation is around the corner.
- 333: Seeing the number 3 in the triple is very powerful, the energy of 3 meaning adventure, freedom, and abundance. It is also related to the ascended masters, such as Jesus (the holy trinity) and Moses, Mary, and Quan Yin. These masters are near you low in energy and you can call upon them for love and assistance on your path. With the number sequence 333, the message is to have faith in humanity. The Ascended Masters are working with you on all levels. They love, guide, and protect you – always. When the number 333 repeats in your life you are asked to call upon the Ascended Masters for love, help, and companionship. They will give you guidance along your path, and if feeling perplexed or confused as to your purpose, call upon the Ascended Masters to assist. They are waiting for your call.
The 3333 number sequence indicates that the Ascended Masters and angels are near you at this time, reassuring you of their love, support, and companionship. When you notice the 3333 number sequence repeating to you, call upon the Ascended Masters and angels often. They are aware of your position or situation and know the best way to go about things for the highest good. They will help and guide you through your next life phase and wait for you to call upon them. - 444: This number emphasizes that you have nothing to fear with regard to the life goals you are working towards. It represents the passion and drive to achieve your aspirations, and resonates with productivity and endurance, determination, and inner wisdom. When you see this number, know that you are on the right path taking positive actions towards your life purpose. Things that you have been working on or with will be successful. 444 is an indication that you are being surrounded by angels who love and support you and their help is close at hand, always.
When the number sequence 4444 appears repeatedly, it is an indication that you are surrounded by your angels. These angels are at your side to reassure you of their presence, love, and help. Your angels are watching out for you and supporting you in your work and day-to-day life. 4444 is a message from the angels that their help is nearby and all you need to do is ask. - 555: The number 5 symbolizes the principle of multiplicity, progression, and passion. 5 signifies the need for change, variety, and new growth and relates to change, transformation, transmutation, and alchemy. This combination is about significant life change, nothing to fear, as change is part of life and can usher in important new beginnings. You can ask the angels to help you manifest positive change. 555 indicates that major life changes are in store for you – in a very big way! 555 tells us that significant changes and transformations are here for you and you have an opportunity to break out of the chrysalis and uncover the amazing life you truly deserve as a spiritual being. Your true life purpose and path are waiting for you …
The 5555 number sequence is a message from the Universe that your life is about to go through some major changes. - 666: The number 6 symbolizes the principle of nurturing, caring, and harmony. The 6 energy signifies the need for stability and relates to home and family, society, possessions, planetary issues, and concrete tangibles. 6 also symbolizes responsibility and service, which needs to be achieved through love, nurturing, protection, and selfless service to humanity. 666 tells us that it is time to focus on spirit and to balance and heal any issues in your life. Tell the angels about any fears you may have concerning your material supply or lack thereof. They are listening and wanting to help you feel prosperous and abundant. Be open to receiving help, love, and support from both humans and the angels as it is there for the offering. The number 666 sequence may be indicating that your thoughts may be out of balance at this time. The message of 666 is that you need to focus on spirit and service, and to be aware that your emotional and material needs will be met as a result. When the 6666 number sequence appears to you, it is an indication that your thoughts are out of balance, and you are focused too much on the material aspects of your life. The energies of abundance and prosperity are being deflected and resisted as worry and anxiety cause a barrier to balance and harmony. This number sequence asks you to balance your thoughts between heaven and earth and to maintain faith and trust. The angels are asking you to focus on spirit and service, and to know that your material and emotional needs will automatically be met as a result.
- 777: The number 777 informs you that you have listened to Divine Guidance and are now putting that wisdom to work in your life. It is time to reap the rewards of your hard work and efforts. Well done! 777 informs you that you are to be commended and congratulated and your efforts have been well noted. Your success is inspiring and helping and teaching others by example. Know that your wishes are coming to fruition in your life as a result of your positive efforts and attitude to life. 777 is a positive sign and means that you should expect miracles to occur in your life. The 7777 number sequence is a message from your angels that you are on the right path and doing well. The Universe is happy with your progress along your path and due to your positive efforts and hard work you have earned your rewards. Your wishes are coming to fruition. The 7777 number sequence is an extremely positive sign and means that you should also expect more miracles to occur for you.
- 888: A number sequence to indicate financial and material abundance on its way. These numbers are related to progress and achievements in alignment with your higher purpose.888 is telling you that your Life Purpose is fully supported by the Universe. The Universe is abundant and generous and wishes to reward you. Great financial prosperity is yours, now and in the future. 888 means that a phase in your life is about to end. 888 is a sign of forewarning to enable you to prepare yourself and your life. This number sequence may mean that you are winding up an emotional, career, or relationship phase in your life. The 8888 number sequence indicates that there is light at the end of the tunnel and in addition, it is also a message for you not to procrastinate when making your move or enjoying the fruits of your labor.
- 999: When 9’s appear repeatedly, it is a message that your ‘Life Purpose’ involves the giving of service through your natural skills, talents, interests, and passions. 9’s indicate that it is a time to end a phase or relationship in your life which is no longer serving you. Do not fear 'loss' as 'new' will enter your life. You have lots of work to do in the future, so prepare yourself. The number sequence 999 is indicating that the world needs your Divine Life Purpose at this time. Fully embark upon your sacred mission without hesitation or delay. Now is the time for you to realize your true light and purpose and to put them into practice in your life. You are asked to live your life in a positive and uplifting manner, in order to teach others by example. You are a torchbearer for others and the angels ask you to live up to your full potential for the benefit of all. 999 is a message to 'Lightworkers' to keep their light shining brightly.
Connect your Guardian angel through this site: https://angeloasis.com/