Finger Yoga (Hasta Mudra) General Rules And Guidelines
Published Date: 9/11/2021 4:50:51 AM
Before starting the practice of finger yoga, you must know its rules to get the maximum benefits.
- As we know that in Yogic Asana we need a clean place, a teacher and many more things are required. But Finger Yoga is very easy, you can do this anywhere, anytime, even in the office, or in the flight too.
- If we practice Hand Mudras with the right hand, then it gives benefit to the left part of our body and if we practice with the left hand then it gives benefit to the right part of our body. Therefore Yoga Hand Mudras should be practiced with both hands so that it can benefit our whole body.
- Our aim is to stop the outgoing energy and balance the five elements in the body, so do not force the fingers and hands while practicing the Mudras.
- Perform one Mudra for at least a total of 45 min. You can perform the mudra for 15 min by practicing the Hasta Mudra 3 times in a day (morning, afternoon, and evening).
- When performing a mudra, a light contact between the thumb and the fingers is sufficient. Firm pressure is not required.
- When performing a mudra, the position of the other fingers that are not participating in that mudra is immaterial. They can generally be held straight (without effort) or allowed to bend a little.
- Mudras can be practiced anytime, anywhere - while reading a newspaper, while travelling to office or back home, while watching TV or listening to music, etc. However, simultaneous meditation will yield greater benefits.
- Mudras can be performed in any body position - sitting, standing, lying down, walking etc. However, greater benefits are achieved if performed in sukhasana (sitting cross legged on the floor / bed) or padmasana, or vajrasana.
- A few mudras like the Shunya mudra and Apan Vayu (Mritsanjeevani) mudra can help within few minutes of beginning to perform them. Rest of the mudras have to be practiced for 45 minutes every day (either at one stretch or in 3 parts of 15 minutes each). Perform them for at least for 15 days to experience benefits. They should be practiced till the disease is eradicated.
- Suitable dietary changes can enhance the effects of the mudras. An unsuitable diet can offset the benefits of the mudras. For example, if a person having excess Vata consumes foods that tend to increase Vata further, he may not benefit, or may benefit partially or slowly, from the Vata nashak mudra.
- Hence your recovery from disease will be faster and lasting if you combine Mudra therapy with the appropriate diet.
- Mudra therapy goes along well with other forms of treatment - medical as well as non-medical. Previous medicine should not be stopped when practicing Mudras.
- Chanting of any mantra of your choice will greatly enhance the power of the mudra.
- During therapy, the specific mudra is to be practiced for 45-50 minutes, followed by Pran Mudra for 15 minutes. It can be divided into three sessions of 15 minutes, followed by 5 minutes of Pran Mudra.
- If time permits, the 45 minute practice can be repeated to resolve the problem faster.
- Once the problem is resolved, the specific therapeutic mudra should be discontinued. This applies to the following mudras : Vayu, Shunya, Surya, Jalodar Nashak and Ling Mudras. Ling Mudra should not be performed for more than 15 minutes at a time as it generates a lot of heat within the body.
- Pran, Apan, Gyan and Prithvi mudras can be performed for an unlimited time.
- Healthy people should regularly practice Gyan, Prithvi, Apan, Dhyana, Pran and Shunya Vayu mudras daily for 10 minutes each to remain healthy throughout their lives.
- While performing mudras, placing the hands on the thighs (unless otherwise specified) creates another pranic circuit that stimulates the gupta nadis (the hidden channels) in the things and helps stimulate the energies at the Root Chakra. This results in increasing energy within the body.
- Any specific precautions for a particular mudra, if any, have been mentioned with the mudra description. Please follow the same while performing the mudra.