Guidelines of Mudras
Published Date: 6/14/2023 6:02:58 AM
- The Mudras given here are different from our usual mudras. They are based on the combined knowledge of Yogic Science and Acupressure.
- The Five Elements is a vast topic and a completely different method of diagnosis and treatment.
- It is being explained in short here so that you are better able to relate the problem to an element and its related organs/meridians and choose the combination of mudras accordingly. For example, if having digestive problems – besides doing the appropriate mudra, it would also benefit if the mudra for Spleen & Pancreas is added.
- These are mudras that you will need to use on a day-to-day basis, for example, for a headache or a migraine, a toothache, stomach problems, joint pains, backache, and so on. At the same time, these can mudras can be used for maintaining good health, or preventing disease, or for chronic problems.
- The mudras are named according to the purpose they are used for.
- I suggest that you read the description carefully, looking at the picture, and after you have put your fingers in the positions, check everything again because the individual finger positions can be easily confused. A close look and attention when putting your fingers together are important here!
- Also, when you read the explanations of the individual mudras, you may find that some mudras cater to more than one issue.
- When choosing a mudra for yourself, always keep in mind which other mudra can go well with that problem.
- Example: The Mudra for Leg Pain can be combined with Mudra for Better Stamina, or Mudra for Knee Pain can be combined with Mudra for Joint Pain, Mudra for Leg Pain, as well as Mudra for Kidney and Urinary Bladder (here, the Chinese 5 Element Theory needs to be kept in mind as well)
- Please pay attention to the Hands before performing the Mudras. Some may be specified as using one hand, some both and for some, a different mudra is made by each hand. Please follow what is specified.
- A hand chart showing the meridian end and start points on the hands is given. This is for a general idea. However, detailed acupoints are not provided, as again, Chinese Acupressure is a vast topic.
- Every Mudra has been allotted a different time. Duration tells you how long, how often per day, and how many minutes apart the mudra should be held so that it can take full effect.
- Benefits tell you the impact the mudra has on different problems. The time that we need when an imbalance is already evident in disease is given under *In Acute Illness".
- In such an event, a particular system of the body lacks a lot of energy. So now, we need to hold the mudra longer than is normally needed with an imbalance, so that the body is stimulated to help itself by the energy that arises by the mudra. By providing the body with more energy than it consumes due to its illness, the self-healing powers are activated.
- Where no In Acute Illness is mentioned, just follow the time given under Duration.
- For better health, for prevention, or in case of serious imbalances or illnesses, a combination of the mudras can be used.
- For some mudras, a combination of finger positions has already been provided. However, there are no limits to your own imagination in the combinations.
- But keep one thing in mind: if we have a mudra or one combination of different mudras for our problem, it is advisable to use them for at least a week. It is not recommended to use a different finger position every day!
- For example, after using a mudra or mudras for pain, when relief is obtained from the pain, do not stop the mudra immediately. Even with complete freedom from pain, the mudra needs to be practiced longer so that the balance achieved can stabilize and the disease does not return.
- The mudras are always good to use when our hands have nothing to do. Many mudras are held with only one hand.
- If a mudra has the same position on the right and left, and it is mentioned that it can be performed by either hand, then the mudra can be held even while writing with the other hand.
- When bedridden or ill, while watching TV or during a conversation, and in many other everyday situations, the mudras can be used very well individually or in combination.
- Stick to the given times and really use the mudras regularly.