Merudanda Mudras
Published Date: 4/13/2021 9:40:10 AM
- Merudanda means Spine.
- Hence, as the name implies, the Merudanda mudras are beneficial for the spine.
The 3 Merudanda Mudras help to cure problems of the Cervical, Thoracic and Lumbar spine.
These mudras are formed by closing the hand into a light fist, and extending the thumb outside. The position of the hands and the thumbs determines the location of the spine that will be affected by these mudras.
The Merudanda mudras give miraculous results in all problems of the spine.
The Merudanda mudras are energetic mudras.
Meru = spine; danda = staff.
Their use brings prana into deeper regions of the central nervous system.
They do not channel the actual breath, they channelize the prana itself.
Therefore, you will need to pay more attention to the subtlety of the experience.
Practice these as a set or by themselves, as per your needs and desired effects.
In the beginning, it is recommended to practice them together to provide a contrast of sensations that will allow you to see more clearly the effect of each mudra.