Pitta & Kapha Nashak Mudra
Published Date: 4/13/2021 9:40:31 AM
How to perform :
- Place the small finger on the base of the Thumb and touch the tips of the Thumb and touch the tips of Thumb and Ring finger together.
- The other fingers are kept straight and relaxed.
- Place the palms, face-up, on your knees or thighs.
- Keep your spine and head straight, shoulders relaxed.
- Perform the mudra with both hands.
Benefits of Pitta & Kapha Nashak mudra :
- This mudra is a combination of the Jalodar Naashak Mudra and the Prithvi Mudra.
- This mudra is helpful for persons having an aggravated Pitta dosha as well as an aggravated Kapha Dosha.
- Hence, this mudra will give all the benefits of Prithvi mudra as well as Jal Naashak mudra. (Refer Prithvi and Jal Naashak mudras for complete benefits).
Precautions :
- Persons having an excess of Vata dosha should perform this mudra sparingly or not at all.