Poorna Svara Mudra ( Mudra for Complete Breath )
Published Date: 9/11/2021 8:28:33 AM
How to perform :
- Place the tip of the Small Finger on the base joint of the Thumb.
- Place the tip of the Ring Finger on the Middle Joint of the Thumb.
- Join together the tips of the Middle Finger and the Thumb.
- The Index finger is kept straight and outstretched.
- Perform the mudra with both hands.
- Place the backs of the hands-on the thighs or knees.
- 'Poorna' means 'full' or 'whole'.
- ‘Svara’ means breath.
- Poorna Svara refers to dirgha pranayama - full yogic breathing.
Benefits of Poorna Svara Mudra :
- It sends breath to the entire torso as a wave of energy.
- This complete breathing brings together the entire torso: the lower, middle, and upper portions, and also the three lobes of the lungs.
- Helps release tension from the regions of the abdomen, diaphragm, and rib cage, as well as from the shoulders and neck.
- This results in freer breathing and enhanced lung capacity.
- It balances the nervous system.
It is a tri-doshic mudra, that is, it helps to balance both Vata, Pitta, and Kapha doshas.
This mudra is very helpful in acute attacks of bronchitis as it dilates the bronchial tubes.
It regulates the intake of oxygen.
It is very helpful in respiratory ailments including asthma.
In case of an attack of acute bronchitis/asthma, use this mudra for 5-7 minutes until your breathing becomes normal.
For long-term relief, keep on doing the mudra 5 times daily for 4-6 minutes.