Prana Vayus
Published Date: 4/13/2021 9:43:18 AM
- Prana is Life Force Energy.
- 5 Major Prana Vayus in the body - Pancha Prana.
- Govern different areas of the body and carry out different physical and subtle activities.
- Named after regions they work in and functions they perform.
- The main function - to nourish the systems of the body.
- Each bodily system is dependent on the smooth flow of one or more Prana Vayu.
- When working harmoniously, they ensure the health and vitality of the body and mind.
- If blocked, they result in energy deficiencies, leading to diseases on the physical level.
The pancha pranas are :
- Udana Vayu
- Prana Vayu
- Samana Vayu
- Apana Vayu, and
- Vyana Vayu
- Each of these governs different functions and aspects of being.