Shankha Mudra
Published Date: 9/18/2021 6:51:44 AM
How to perform:
- Place the Left Thumb on the right palm.
- Cover the left thumb with the four fingers of the right hand.
- Join the tips of the left index finger and Middle finger to the Thumb of the right hand.
- Place the rest of the fingers of the left hand on the back of the right hand.
- Keep your spine and head straight, shoulders relaxed.
Benefits of Shankha Mudra:
- Shankha means a conch. This mudra represents a conch.
- The thumb (Fire element) is encircled (and subdued) by the fingers.
- The joining of the tips of the index finger and the thumb results in a balance of the Air element.
- Shankha mudra decreases Pitta dosha and increases the Vata and Kapha dosha in the body.
- It can be used to overcome the following disorders :
-Feverish feeling in the body
-Burning in the body/body parts
-Allergic disorders due to an excess of Pitta, such as Urticaria, skin rashes
-Voice (larynx) and Throat (pharynx) problems
-Flabbiness/weakness/paralysis of muscles
- Activates Thyroid gland to remove illnesses related to the thyroid gland.
- Controls Obesity.
- Purifies 72,000 nerves (Nadis) connected to the navel center, thus rejuvenating the entire body.
- Makes Voice melodious and clean, removing any strain. Very good for singers, teachers, doctors, lawyers, and leaders. They must perform this mudra daily for 10 minutes.
- Relieves Allergies due to dust and smoke.
- Cleans Throat.
- Pacifies Skin Rashes.
- Tonsillitis and other throat infections are cured.
- Speech problems - Stammering, Stuttering, etc. are rectified.
- Speech problems occurring after a paralytic attack can be greatly overcome.
- Helps increase the height of children.
- Beneficial in kidney problems.
Precaution :
- Persons with the "Vata" + "Kapha" mix constitution should perform in moderation.