Shraddha Prana Kriya Mudra (Mudra for the Brain : Clarity)
Published Date: 4/13/2021 9:47:03 AM
How to perform:
- Join the tips of the index fingers to the tips of the thumbs in a complete circle.
- Keep the other fingers extended straight.
- Place the palms on the knees or thighs, facing upwards.
- Keep your spine and head straight, shoulders relaxed.
- Perform the mudra with both hands.
Benefits of Shraddha Prana Kriya mudra:
- This mudra enables us to see ourselves, life, and other people clearly and objectively so that our original being comes to the foreground.
- It directs awareness to the Third Eye.
- Breath is activated in the upper lungs, enhancing breath capacity
- Eases respiration.
- Increases flow of blood to the brain.
- Brings attention to the brain centers.
- Opens one into meditation.
- Increase memory retention.
- Relieves insomnia.
- Creates a balance between relaxation and activity.
Duration :
- 45 minutes at a stretch or 3 times a day for 15 minutes each.
- Perform the mudra during meditation to enhance the meditative state.