Urdhav Merudanda Mudra (Mudra for Upper Spine)
Published Date: 4/13/2021 9:48:53 AM
How to perform:
- Curl all fingers into the palm to make a tight fist.
- Extend the thumbs out.
- Place your palms on the thighs or knees, face-up, so that the thumbs are pointing outwards, away from each other.
- Keep your spine and head straight, shoulder relaxed.
- Perform the mudra with both hands.
Benefits of Urdav Merudanda Mudra :
- This mudra affects the Cervical Spine.
- The vertebrae from C-1 to C-7 are affected by this mudra.
- This region is connected to the shoulders and neck area.
- It is a very good mudra for Cervical Spondylitis.
- Activates the upper third of the spinal column and the nervous system.
- This mudra can cure shoulder and cervical pain.
- It is also beneficial for the eyes, ears, and brain.
- Perform the mudra for 5-10 minutes daily on an empty stomach, morning and evening, accompanied by deep breathing.