Vayu Mudra (Vayu Shaamak Mudra)
Published Date: 9/12/2021 7:27:14 AM
How to perform :
- Keep the Index finger on the base of the Thumb and press the thumb over it.
- The other fingers are kept straight and relaxed.
- Place the palms, face-up, on your knees or thighs.
- Keep your spine and head straight, shoulders relaxed.
- Perform the mudra with both hands.
Benefits of Vayu Mudra:
- Vayu mudra is the opposite of Gyan mudra.
- Decreases the Air or the Vayu element in the body.
- Cures all diseases due to excess of air element in the body.
- An increase in the Vayu element can cause pain.
▪Back Pain,
▪Cervical pain,
▪Pain in the knees,
▪Heel pain etc.
- Constant yawning, belching, and passing gas gets reduced.
- Excess wind from the stomach is released.
- Reduces rheumatic pains and chest pains.
- Sedates a restless, anxious mind.
- Calms and overcharged nervous system.
- Pacifies overactive endocrine glands.
- Reduces flatulence.
- Helps with uncontrollable tremors in those suffering from Parkinson's.
- If feeling uneasy after a meal, practice the Vayu mudra seated in Vajrasana.
- Dry and rough skin and hair.
- Brittle nails.
- Helps during a toothache or a headache.
Acts slowly but steadily.
For Gout, perform Vayu Mudra followed by Prana mudra, for several days.
If you lift something very heavy, perform Vayu mudra for 5 minutes immediately.
If you fall and get a sprain, perform Vayu mudra with the opposite hand and place the Samana mudra (which will be taught later in this course) on the area of the sprain.
Convulsions are cured by regular practice of Vayu mudra daily for 15 minutes.
Excess of Vayu causes contraction of vessels of the heart. Vayu mudra increases the elasticity of heart vessels, expands them, removes contraction, restores proper blood circulation.
This mudra has an effect within minutes.
Stop performing this mudra when the problem is solved.
- It can be practiced for longer periods of time according to the severity of the disease.
Precautions :
- Many experienced practitioners say that this Mudra should be discontinued as soon as the ailment has been overcome.