5 Ayurvedic Herbs That Remove Common Cold

Published Date: 8/7/2021 7:30:47 AM

Common Cold is relatively harmless condition. It can occur at any time throughout the year but the most common are in late winter and fall. It is most common in children. This condition acts as a gateway to many other respiratory problems. It’s called the "common cold" because you may feel colder in this ailment, than any other type of illness. However, it should not be neglected.

Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum)

"Tulsi" is used for its medicinal purposes, due to its anti-infective properties and its use in respiratory tract infections like cough, cold, sore throat, asthma etc. It helps remove excess Kapha from lungs. This natural stimulant energizes our body, increases circulation, and has been proven to be beneficial in skin diseases and ulcers. Fresh Tulsi juice taken twice a day may help to boost health. Adding a few drops of ginger and honey to Tulsi juice may help further improve immunity.


Giloy (Tinospora Cordifolia)

"Giloy" or "Guduchi" in Sanskrit, is useful in chronic fever, dengue fever, hay fever, coronavirus infection, improves digestion, reduces asthmatic symptoms, signs of aging, stress, and anxiety, aids weight loss, supports immune health, treats diabetes, fights respiratory problems, treats arthritis, improves vision. Giloy is also known as Heart-leaved moonseed and is a kind of shrub that grows in tropical areas of India, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Sothern Eastern Asia, Africa, and Australia.


Mulethi (Glycyrrhiza glabra)

"Liquorice" or "Yashtimadhu" also known as Mulethi, is an excellent home remedy for a number of disorders like cough and cold. According to Ayurveda, mulethi is sweet to taste, it’s slimy and heavy, and is efficacious in treating "Vata" disorders. Glycyrrhizin - a saponin found in Mulethi is known for its anti-microbial action. The root is powdered and had with honey and ghee to improve immunity. It is believed to be a natural revitalizer and anti-aging agent. Some studies have also shown the positive effect of mulethi in relation to brain function.


Amla (Emblica officinalis)

"Amla" is perhaps one of the richest sources of vitamin C and is perfect for the overall immunity, as it can rejuvenate and revitalise the body systems. Amla is cooling in nature and can help remove excess body heat, thus often recommended in pitta conditions. It is also helpful in in afflictions of the gastro-intestinal tract. Amla is also believed to stimulate regeneration of red blood cells and help improve hemoglobin content in body. Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, it can help soothe joint pains.  Amla is often used in powder form but is also available as tablets or liquid extracts. It is best to consume amla in raw form. Amla powder can be consumed by mixing with honey, twice a day. Chyawanprash is a well-known Ayurvedic formulation that can be taken to reduce mental and physical fatigue and boost immunity also contains amla.


Ginger (Zingiber officinalis)

"Ginger" is hot in potency and thus aids in decreasing the aggravated Vata and Kapha doshas. Ginger is very versatile – it can be had fresh, powdered or oil form or in dry candied/ juice form.  Dry ginger powder mixed with sesame oil is used to relieve joint or muscle pains. It is also used for hot fomentation in gout, oedema, arthritis or other joint pains. Anti- microbial compounds in ginger helps fight infections, and boost immunity levels. Ginger is also recommended for many respiratory ailments like cold, cough, pneumonia, asthma and bronchitis.


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