Scientific Name: Argyreia nervosa
Higher Classification: Argyreia
Rank Name: Species
Published Date: 6/17/2023 5:55:54 AM
What is Vidhara:
- Vidhara with its Latin name "Argyreia speciosa" is a adaptogenic herb native to Asia, used to treat cuts, wounds, internal bleeding, rheumatism, nervous system, skin problems, and sexual disorder.
- This plant is also called an "Elephant Creeper". The seeds, leaves and roots of this plant are used for medicinal purpose.
- Composition: The plant contains tannins and resin. The roots yielded and resins of amber colour, soluble in either and benzole and partly soluble in alkaloids. The seeds are reported to contain alkaloids, chanoclavine, ergine, ergonovime and isoergine. The extract of seeds exhibits hypotensive and hallucinating activity. The leaf contains 1-triacont and epifredelinol and its acetate and β-sitosterol.
- The powder made from soaking the roots of Vidhara in tubers of Asparagus juice and then grinding them in powdered form can be used for various medicinal benefits.
What are its benefits:
- The leaves can be warned and then tied on the affected area for healing wounds, cuts, and other swelling conditions.
- This herb is quite effective in treating Gangrene.
- The leaves of Vidhara can also be used for healing bed sores. For this, the leaves need to be ground and the juice should be extracted and then applied to the affected areas.
- Internal bleeding caused due to any condition, colitis, and ulcers of all forms can effectively be treated using Vidhara is also effective in treating tumors. For this, the upper surface of the leaves of this herb needs to be warmed and simmered using butter. Post this; they need to be tied to the tumor. This results in the bursting of the tumor or the cyst which starts the healing procedure. If the leaves are tied from their lower surface, the tumor will successfully be suppressed within the body.
- Dog bites can also be healed with the use of this herb.
- Vidhara is also effective in treating tumors. For this, the upper surface of the leaves of this herb needs to be warmed and simmered using butter. Post this; they need to be tied to the tumor. This results in the bursting of the tumor or the cyst which starts the healing procedure. If the leaves are tied from their lower surface, the tumor will successfully be suppressed within the body.
- Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, the extracts of this plant can be externally applied to treat various skin ailments such as itchiness, inflammation and dry skin.
- The root of this plant is processed to make a powerful medicine that helps boost sperm count. It also calms the nerves and helps with the psychological reasons for sexual dysfunction.
Ayurvedic Properties:
- According to "Bhojana Kutuhalam" twelfth chapter, the varieties of Vidhara are sweet, slimy and aggravates kapha and vata. It is strengthening in nature, treats cough and "ama dosha" and one of them reduces virility.
- Rasa (Taste) – Katu (Pungent), Tikta (Bitter), Kashaya (Astringent)
Guna (Qualities) – Laghu (Light for digestion), Snigdha (Slimy)
Vipaka – Madhura (Undergoes sweet taste after digestion)
Veerya (Potency) – Ushna (Hot)
Karma (Actions) – Kaphavata shamaka (reduces vitiated kapha and vata dosha)