Scientific Name: Piper nigrum
Higher Classification: Pepper plants
Rank Name: Species
Black Pepper
Published Date: 6/17/2023 5:56:29 AM
What is Black Pepper?
Black Pepper is rich in vitamins and minerals such as copper, magnesium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, Vitamin C, B2, and B6. It also has substantial quantities of fiber, which is essential for good digestion. Black pepper is said to prevent cancer when it is mixed with turmeric. Good for Digestion, Prevents Constipation, Treats Skin Problems, Good for Hair, Aids in Weight Loss, Treats Depression, Helps in Treating Respiratory Diseases.
King of spices for weight loss:
- Indian cuisine is inextricably interwoven with spices. One such spice that makes way into most of our curries, stews, and sabzi is black pepper. Its earthy aroma and flavorful taste can turn some of the dullest dishes into lip-smacking treats. But there's much more than black pepper can do, in addition to making your food flavorsome. Turns out, that the hot and pungent spice may also help you shed a pound or two!
- Black pepper is a storehouse of health benefits and effective weight loss and metabolism is one of them. The desi superfood is packed with Vitamin A, K, C, and minerals like calcium, potassium, and sodium. Black pepper is also rich in healthy fats and dietary fiber which helps promote weight loss too. Spicy food has been famous for its role in weight loss. Spicy food naturally revs up your metabolism, which results in fat burning.
- Dr. Simran Saini from Fortis Hospital in New Delhi, explains the logic behind this common belief, "Spicy food can help in better metabolizing of food, due to the thermogenic effect." The thermogenic effect or thermic effect of food (TEF) or also known as dietary-induced thermogenesis (DIT) refers to the increase in metabolic rate or the rate at which your body burns calories that occurs after ingestion of food. This thermogenic effect is believed to play a role in burning calories, fighting fat, and weight loss. Eating spicy food also increases satiety, making you feel full while eating less."
How Does Black Pepper Help In Weight Loss?
- Macrobiotic Nutritionist and Health Practitioner Shilpa Arora ND says, "Black pepper contains peperino, a compound that enhances metabolic performance and suppresses fat accumulation in the body. Black pepper tea works very well in managing obesity. Black pepper also helps in the absorption of nutrients in the body. It helps strengthen immunity and fights against infections too."
- Black pepper is excellent when it comes to extracting nutrients from food. Its outermost layer contains phytonutrients, which help in breaking down fat cells and also increases metabolism. But that doesn't mean you go overboard. A pinch of black pepper is more than enough proportion.
- The peperino present in the black pepper could also do wonders for your digestive system. A bit of pepper helps secrete more hydrochloric acid that helps to digest proteins in food.
How To Consume Black Pepper For Weight Loss?
- To make the most of Black pepper, you can consume it directly. If you have a good tolerance for something hot and pungent, then you can chew 1-2 black peppercorns every morning to rev up your metabolism. For those who don't, you can have it in the form of black pepper oil (black peppercorns diluted in one cup of water).
- Black pepper tea can also promote speedy weight loss. Just add 1/2- 1 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper to your tea. You can also add other metabolism-boosting herbs and spices like ginger, tulsi, or cinnamon. Drink it during the mornings for a flat tummy. Adding black pepper to juice can aid weight loss as well.
Other benefits:
- Improves Digestive Health.
- Black pepper stimulates the digestive juices and enzymes, thereby.
- Promoting digestion.
- Prevents Cancer.
- Lowers Blood Pressure.
- Relieves Cold And Cough.
- Fights Infections.
- Has Antioxidant Benefits.
- Improves Oral Health.