
Scientific Name: Boerhavia diffusa
Family Name: Nyctaginaceae
Order Name: Caryophyllales
Kingdom: Plantae
Genus: Boerhavia
Species: B. diffusa


Published Date: 6/17/2023 5:59:28 AM

What is Punarnava:

  • Punarnava is a traditional ayurvedic plant of "Rasayana" (rejuvenate whole-body) used for the treatment of liver disorders such as hepatitis and jaundice, and rheumatoid arthritis, fever, edema, eye problems, stomach issues, etc.
  • It is a perennial, straggling herb, found in India in the warmers part of the country and throughout altitude in the Himalayan region.
  • In Sanskrit, Punarnava means "bring back to life" or "renew". Punarnava, also known as Spreading Hogweed, thrives in poor soil. (More Details)


  • It is available in powder "Churna", juice, oil, paste form. Its whole plant (root, leaf) is used.

What are its benefits:

  • Punarnava provides relief from gas and abdominal pain. Taking Punarnava juice before meals might help manage stomach disorders such as constipation by promoting bowel movements due to its laxative property. Punarnava is effective in improving digestion and managing weight by suppressing appetite.
  • Urinary Tract Infections (UTI): Punarnava has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, anti-microbial, and anti-spasmodic, properties that clear the urinary tract infection, reduces inflammation, and provides relief from pain. It helps increase urine production due to its diuretic activity and reduces the risk of urinary complications.
  • For Healthy Liver: Punarnava has hepatoprotective and antioxidant property that stimulates bile secretion which prevents liver cell damage caused by free radicals and improves the function of the liver. It is effective in jaundice, ascites, and other liver diseases. 
  • Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD): Punarnava has diuretic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and many properties which rejuvenate the kidney cells and help to balance the body fluids by eliminating the waste from the body.
  • For Kidney Stones: Punarnava has a diuretic property that helps to improve regular urination and reduce the buildup of fluids in the tissues. Hence, It is beneficial in kidney stones.
  • Treats Arthritis: Punarnava provides relief from the joint pain and inflammation of the muscles. Thus it treats arthritis.
  • In Diabetes: Punarnava has a hypoglycemic property that helps to control glucose levels and also increases plasma insulin levels. Hence treats diabetes.
  • For Skin: Punarnava contains essential nutrients, vitamin C, and constituents. Punarnava paste helps to heal skin due to its quick wound healing activity. Punarnava powder with water or coconut oil is used for hypersensitive skin.

Ayurvedic Properties:

  • Punarnava is bitter "Tikta" in taste "Rasa", Its physical property "Guna" is light "Laghu", and becomes pungent "Katu" after digestion (Metabolic Property).
  • Its "Virya" i.e. Potency is "Sheeta" i.e. cool and it balances "Kapha" and "Vata" doshas. It helps to bind the stool and is used to manage cold cough, digestive fire, and blood disorder.
  • Punarnava oil helps reduce joint pain due to its "Vata" balancing property.

Regional Name:

  • English: Red Hogweed, Spreading Hogweed, Horse purslane, Red spiderling, Pigweed, Tarvine; Hindi: Gadha-cand, Gadahpurna, Gadah bindo ; Tamil: Mukkurttaikkoti, Mukaratee-Kirei; Marathi: Ghetuli, Punarnava, Vasu; Telugu: Atakamamidi; Urdu: Tukhm-i-ispas; Malayalam: Tavilama; Bengali: Punarnova; Kannada: Komme; Nepalese: Punarnava; French : (Fr. Guiana) ipecacuanha de Cayenne

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