Scientific Name: Schisandra chinensis
Higher Classification: Magnolia vines
Family Name: Schisandraceae
Rank Name: Species
Kingdom: Plantae
Published Date: 6/17/2023 5:55:41 AM
What is Schisandra:
- Schisandra is a plant native to China and Russia whose fruits (deep red berries) have long been used in medicine. It is act as an adaptogen to reduce stress, increasing energy, physical performance and endurance, stimulating the immune system, normalizing blood sugar and blood pressure, treating respiratory disorders , and liver disease . (More Details)
- It is also known as "five-flavor berry" because it possesses five basic flavors of herbal medicine: salty, sweet, sour, spicy, and bitter. Having these flavors means that it can benefit all five yin organs: the liver, lungs, heart, kidneys, and spleen.
- Composition: Schisandra contains many bioactive compounds, including lignans, triterpenes, phenolic acids, flavonoids, essential oils, and polysaccharides.
- Lignans are mainly responsible for the pro-health properties of Schisandra and also be found in Schisandra fruits as well as in
the leaves, shoots, and seeds. - Essential oils of Schisandra are extracted from seeds (EOS) and berries without seeds (EOB) separately. The antioxidant activity of EOB is higher than EOS. The top three content compounds of EOS are "ylangene"(10.16%), "β-himachalene" (9.46%) and
"di-epi-α-cedrene" (8.92%), while the top three content compounds of EOB are "α-cis-bergamotene" (10.79%), "4,11- selinadiene" (5.28%) and "α-cadinol" (5.19%).
- Schisandrins A, B, and C are bioactive chemical compounds. They are extracted from the berries of the Schisandra plant and can be taken in powdered, pill, or liquid form.
- Schisandra can also be purchased as dried whole berries or as juice.
What are its benefits:
- Schisandra may have adaptogenic properties, to reduce stress and anxiety, increase nitric oxide levels in athletes, which potentially improving Physical Performance.
- Schisandrin B may be effective against both Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. This is due to its anti-inflammatory, neuroprotective effect upon microglial cells in the brain.
- Schisandrin B reduced these fatty acids in mice. It also acted like an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent. A number of recent studies have suggested that Schisandra extracts may play a beneficial role in treating certain respiratory disorders, including asthma.
- Schisandra is traditionally used to treat liver diseases such as hepatitis and improve liver function.
- Schisandra might improve hot flushes and other symptoms in healthy women with moderate or severe symptoms of menopause.