101 Power Thoughts for Life

Louise Lynn Hay (October 8, 1926 – August 30, 2017) was an American motivational author and the founder of Hay House. “101 Power Thoughts for Life” If understood and used sincerely, these power thoughts can help transform our life in most beautiful ways.

101 Power Thoughts for Life – by Louise Hay

Published Date: 8/26/2023 3:15:55 AM

Louise Lynn Hay (October 8, 1926 – August 30, 2017) was an American motivational author and the founder of Hay House. “101 Power Thoughts for Life” If understood and used sincerely, these power thoughts can help transform our life in most beautiful ways.

Foreword by Louise Hay

  • The thoughts we think and the words we speak are constantly shaping our world and our experiences. Many of us are in an old habit of negative thinking and do not realize the damage we have inflicted upon ourselves.…


1. My healing is already in process.

  • Your body knows how to heal itself. Get the negative garbage out of the way, then love your body. Feed it nourishing foods and beverages. Pamper it, respect it.
  • Create an atmosphere of Wellness. Allow yourself to heal.
  • My…


2. I trust my inner wisdom.

  • There is a place within each of us that is totally connected with the infinite wisdom of the universe.
  • In this place lie all the answers to all the questions you will ever ask.
  • Learn to trust your inner…


3. I am willing to forgive.

  • If we sit in a prison of self-righteous resentment, we cannot be free, even if we don't know exactly how to forgive, we can be willing to forgive.
  • The universe will respond to our willingness and help us find…


4. I am deeply fulfilled by all that I do.

  • We will never have the opportunity to live this day again.
  • So, we want to savor every moment.
  • There is richness and fullness in everything we do.
  • Each moment of the day is special to me as I follow…


5. I trust the process of life.

  • We are learning how life works.
  • It's like learning your computer. When you first get a computer, you learn the simple basic processes, how to turn it on and off, and how to open and save a document, and…


6. I have the perfect living space.

  • Our living space is always an out picturing of our current state of consciousness.
  • If we hate where we live now, then no matter where we move, we will end up hating that, too.
  • Bless your current abode with…


7. I can release the past and forgive everyone.

  • We may not want to let go of old hurts, but holding on to them keeps us stuck.
  • When I let go of the past, my present moment becomes richer and fuller. I free myself and everyone in my…


8. It's only change.

  • What we believe becomes true for us.
  • The more we trust life, the more life is there for us.
  • I cross all bridges with joy and ease.
  • The old unfolds into wonderful new experiences.
  • My life gets better all…


9. I am willing to release old negative beliefs.

  • They are only thoughts that stand in my way. My new thoughts are positive and fulfilling.
  • It's only a thought and a thought can be changed.
  • The most frightening scenarios we can conceive of are only thoughts.
  • We can…


10. I choose my thoughts with care.

  • I constantly have new insights and new ways of looking at my world.
  • I am willing to change and to grow.
  • Every thought I think of is creating my future.
  • I am constantly aware of my thoughts.
  • I am…


11. There is no blame.

  • If we walk a mile in someone else's shoes, then we understand why they behave the way that they do.
  • We were all born beautiful, little babies totally open and trusting of life with lots of self-worth and self-esteem.…


12. I let go of all expectations.

  • If we don't have specific expectations, then we cannot be disappointed.
  • But if we love ourselves and know that only good lies before us, then it doesn't matter what comes up, because it will be fulfilling.


13. I flow freely and lovingly with life.

  • I love myself.
  • I know that only good awaits me at every turn.
  • I see clearly the unwillingness to see certain aspects of our lives can cloud our vision.
  • This unwillingness to see is often a form of protection.…


14. I am safe in the universe and all life loves and supports me.

  • I carry this affirmation in my wallet.
  • Whenever I reach for money, I see - I am safe in the universe and all life loves
    and supports me.
  • It is a good reminder of what is really important in my…


15. My life is a mirror.

  • Every person in my life is a reflection of some part of me, the people I love reflect the loving aspects of myself, the people I dislike reflect those parts of myself that need
  • Every experience in life is…


16. I balance my masculine and feminine sides

  • We all contain masculine and feminine aspects.
  • When these two sides are in balance, then we are whole and complete.
  • The totally macho man is not in touch with the intuitive side of himself and a weak, wispy, feminine…


17. Freedom is my divine right.

  • We are put on this planet with total freedom, and we make these choices in our minds.
  • No person, place or thing can think for us if we do not allow it.
  • We are the only person who thinks…


18. I release all fears and doubts.

  • Fears and doubts are only delay mechanisms that keep us from having the good we say we want in our lives. So let them go.
  • I now choose to free myself from all destructive fears and doubts.
  • I accept…


19. Divine wisdom guides me.

  • Too many of us are unaware that we have within us an inner wisdom that is always on our side.
  • We don't pay attention to our intuition, and then we wonder why life does not work well.
  • Learn to…


20. I love life.

  • Every morning when I wake up, I get to experience another great day, a day I've never lived before.
  • It will have its own special experiences and I'm glad to be alive.
  • It is my birthright to live fully…


21. I love my body.

  • I'm so delighted to live in my wonderful body.
  • It has been given to me to use for the rest of my life and I cherish it and take loving care of it.
  • My body is precious to me.…


22. I turn every experience into an opportunity.

  • When I experience a problem and we all have them, I immediately say out of this situation, only good will come.
  • This is easily resolved for the highest good of all concerned.
  • All is well. And I am safe.…


23. I am at peace.

  • Deep at the center of my being, there is an infinite well of peace like a mountain lake, deep and serene.
  • No person, place or outer chaos can touch me when I am in this space.
  • In this space,…


24. I am flexible and flowing.

  • Life is a series of changes.
  • Those of us who are rigid and inflexible in our thinking often snap when the winds of
    change blow.
  • But those of us, who are like Willow trees, bend easily and adapt to the…


25. I now go beyond other people's fears and limitations.

  • I am not my mother's fears and limitations, nor am I my father's fears and limitations.
  • I'm not even my own fears and limitations.
  • These are only false thoughts that have been hanging around in my mind.
  • I can…


26. I am worth loving.

  • So many of us were taught conditional love.
  • Therefore, we believe that we need to earn love.
  • We feel that we are not lovable if we don't have a great job or a good relationship
    or a body like a…


27. My thoughts are created.

  • I have learned to love my thoughts.
  • They are my best friends.
  • I say out to every negative thought that comes to my mind - No person, place or thing has any power over me, for I am the…


28. I am at peace with my sexuality.

  • I believe that in many lifetimes I have experienced every sort of sexuality.
  • I have been male and female, heterosexual and homosexual.
  • Sometimes society has approved of my sexuality and sometimes it has not.
  • My sexuality has always been…


29. I am at peace with my age.

  • For me it is always now.
  • Yes, the numbers add up with time, but I feel as young or as old as I choose to feel.
  • There are people at 20 who are ancient and there are people at…


30. The past is over.

  • I cannot go back in time, except in my mind.
  • I can choose to replay yesterday if I want, but replaying yesterday takes away precious moments out of today.
  • Moments that are once gone cannot be retrieved. So, I…


31. I release all criticism

  • People who are self-righteous and judgmental have the most self-hatred of all because they refuse to change themselves.
  • They point their fingers at everyone else.
  • They see wrong everywhere. Because they are so critical, they attract much to criticize.…


32. I only give out that, which I wish to receive in return.

  • My love and acceptance of others is mirrored to me in every moment.


33. I am willing to let go.

  • I know that each person has divine guidance and wisdom within them.
  • So, I do not have to run their lives for them.
  • I am not here to control others.
  • I am here to heal my own life.
  • People…


34. I see my parents as tiny children who need love.

  • When we have problems with our parents, we often forget that they, too, were once innocent babies.
  • Who taught them to be hurtful?
  • How can we help them heal their pain?
  • We all need love and healing.
  • I have…


35. My home is a peaceful haven.

  • Homes that are loved and appreciated radiate that love, even if you are there for a short time, be sure you put your love into the rooms and if you have a garage, put love there too and keep…


36. As I say yes to life, life says yes to me.

  • Life has always said yes to you, even when you were creating negativity.
  • Now that you are aware of this law of life, you can choose to create your positive future.
  • Life mirrors my every thought.
  • As I keep…


37. There is plenty for everyone, including me.

  • There is so much food on this planet.
  • That we could feed everyone.
  • Yes, there are people who are starving, but it is not the lack of food, it is the lack of love that allows this to happen.…


38. My life has always worked perfectly, only I did not know it.

  • I didn't realize that every negative event in my world was life reflecting back to me my belief system.
  • Now that I am aware I can consciously program my thinking process to
    have a life that works on all levels.…


39. My work is deeply fulfilling.

  • If we learn to love what we do then life sees to it that we will always have interesting creative occupations.
  • When you are ready emotionally and mentally, for the next step in life, life will move you to…


40. Life supports me.

  • When you follow the laws of life, life will support you abundantly.
  • Life created me to be fulfilled.
  • I trust life and life is always there at every turn.
  • I am safe.


41. My future is glorious.

  • Our futures will always represent our current thoughts.
  • What you are thinking and saying right now is creating your future.
  • So, think glorious thoughts and you will have a glorious future.
  • I now live in limitless love, light and…


42. I claim my own power and I lovingly create my own reality

  • No one can do it for you.
  • Only you can make your own declarations in your mind.
  • If you give your power to others, then you have none.
  • When you claim your power, it is yours.
  • Use it wisely.…


43. I now create a wonderful new job.

  • Bless your current job with love and release it with love to the next person who takes your place knowing that you are moving into a new level of life.
  • Keep your affirmations for the new position clear and…


44. Everything I touch is a success.

  • We always have the option of poverty thinking or prosperity thinking.
  • When we think thoughts of lack and limitation, then that is what we experience.
  • There is no way you can be prosperous if your thinking is impoverished.
  • To…


45. I am open and receptive to new avenues of income.

  • When we are open and receptive, life will find many ways to bring income to us.
  • As we know and affirm that we deserve all good, the infinite source will open new channels.
  • We often limit our own good…


46. I deserve the best and I accept the best now.

  • The only thing that keeps us from having the good in our life is that we don't believe we deserve it.
  • Somewhere in childhood we learn that we didn't deserve, and we believed it.
  • Now it is time to…


47. Life is simple and easy.

  • The laws of life are simple, far too simple for many people who want to struggle and complicate things.
  • What you give out comes back to you.
  • What you believe about yourself and about life becomes true for you.…


48. I am totally adequate for all situations.

  • Know that you are far more than you think you are.
  • You are divinely protected.
  • You are connected with infinite wisdom.
  • You are never alone.
  • You have everything you need.
  • Of course, you are adequate for all situations.


49. I am one with the power and wisdom of the universe.

  • I claim this power and it is easy for me to stand up for myself.


50. I listen with love to my body's messages.

  • At the first sign of the slightest disease in your body, instead of giving money to the pharmaceutical companies, sit down, close your eyes, take three deep breaths and go within asking what is it that I need to…


51. My body is always working toward optimum health.

  • My body wants to be whole and healthy.
  • I cooperate and become healthy, whole and complete.


52. I express my creativity.

  • Everyone has unique creativity within them.
  • It is an act of loving ourselves to take the time to express this creativity
    no matter what it is.
  • If we believe we are too busy to allow creative time, then we are…


53. I am in the process of positive change.

  • We are always in the process of change.
  • I used to make many negative changes.
  • Now that I've learned to release old outworn patterns, my changes are positive.
  • I am unfolding in fulfilling ways only good can come to…


54. I accept my uniqueness

  • No two snowflakes are alike, and no two daisies.
  • Each person is a rare gem with unique talents and abilities.
  • We limit ourselves when we try to be like someone else.
  • Rejoice in your uniqueness.
  • There is no competition…


55. All my relationships are harmonious.

  • I see only harmony around me at all times.
  • I willingly contribute to the harmony I desire.
  • My life is a joy. When we create harmony in our minds and hearts, we will find it in our lives.
  • The…


56. It is safe to look within.

  • We often are frightened to look within because we think that we will find this terrible being.
  • But in spite of what they might have told us, what we will find is a beautiful child that longs for our…


57. I experience love wherever I go.

  • What we give out returns to us multiplied and folded over.
  • The best way to get love is to give love. Love can mean acceptance and support, comfort and compassion, kindness and gentleness.
  • I certainly want to live in…


58. Loving others is easy when I love and accept myself.

  • We can't really love others till we love ourselves.
  • Otherwise, what we call love is really codependency or addiction or neediness.
  • No one can ever love you enough if you don't love yourself.
  • You will always be saying things…


59. I am beautiful and everybody loves me.

  • I use this affirmation a lot when I'm walking down a city street and even though they don't hear it, it's wonderful to see how many people respond to me with smiles. Try it.
  • This affirmation can really make…


60. I love and approve of myself.

  • Out of self-approval comes only good.
  • We're not talking about vanity or pride, for those are just expressions of fear.
  • Loving yourself means cherishing and appreciating the miracle that you are.
  • You do have value and self-worth.
  • Love being…


61. I am a decisive person.

  • It is really safe to make decisions.
  • Make them with authority.
  • If a decision turns out to be a poor one, then make another decision.
  • Learn to turn within and do a short meditation when you need a solution.…


62. I am always safe when I travel.

  • You create your consciousness of safety and of course it will go with you everywhere, no matter what form of transportation you are using.
  • No matter what form of transportation I choose, I am safe and secure.


63. My level of understanding is constantly growing.

  • When we understand more of life, we experience more of life's wonders.
  • People who have a limited life have a very limited understanding.
  • They see things in black and white, yes or no, and they are usually motivated by…


64. I now accept the perfect mate.

  • Write down all the qualities you want in your ideal mate and then check to make sure that you are expressing those qualities too.
  • You may need to make some interchanges before the right person can come in.
  • Divine…


65. Security is mine now and forevermore.

  • Our belief systems are always evident in our experiences.
  • As we create safety and security in our minds, then we will find it in our world.
  • Positive affirmations create a positive life.
  • All that I have and all that…


66. World healing is in process now.

  • Each one of us constantly contributes to world chaos or World Peace.
  • Every unkind, unloving, negative, fearful, judgmental, prejudicial thought contributes to the atmosphere that produces earthquakes, floods, drought,
    war, and other disasters.
  • On the other hand, every loving, kind,…


67. I bless our government with love.

  • Our belief in a negative government produces just that.
  • Do some positive affirmations for our government every day.
  • I affirm that each person in our government is loving, honest, honorable, and truly working for the betterment of all people.…


68. I love my family.

  • I have had hundreds of estranged families be lovingly reunited by doing this affirmation daily for three or four months.
  • When we are estranged from our families, we often send a lot of negative energy back and forth.
  • This…


69. My children are divinely protected.

  • If we are fearful for our children, they often give us things to worry about.
  • We want our children to feel free and secure in the mental atmosphere.
  • We surround them with love.
  • So, always do positive affirmations for…


70. I love all God's creatures, animals great and small.

  • Every creature, every insect, bird and fish has its own special place in life.
  • They are just as important as we are.
  • I communicate easily and lovingly with all living beings, and I know that they deserve our love…


71. I love experiencing my baby's birth.

  • In the nine months before birth, talk and communicate with your baby.
  • Prepare for the birthing experience so that it is an easy, loving experience for both of you.
  • Describe the birth process to your baby in the most…


72. I love my baby.

  • I believe that we choose our parents and we choose our children on a soul level.
  • Our children have come to be our teacher.
  • There is much we can learn from them, but most important is the love that…


73. My body is flexible.

  • Keeping my mind flexible and agile is reflected in the flexibility of my body.
  • The only thing that keeps us rigid is fear.
  • When we truly know that we are divinely protected and safe, then we can relax and…


74. I am aware.

  • Several times a day, just stop and say to yourself I am aware.
  • Then take a deep breath and notice how much more you become aware of.
  • There is always more to experience.
  • I constantly increased my awareness of…


75. I love to exercise.

  • I expect to live a long time and I want to run and dance and be flexible until my last day.
  • My bones get stronger when I exercise, and I have found lots of different ways to enjoy movement…


76. Prosperity is my divine right.

  • Most people get angry when they first hear that money is the easiest thing to demonstrate, but it is true.
  • But we must release our negative reactions to it and our negative beliefs about it first.
  • It is easier…


77. I am connected with divine wisdom.

  • There is always an answer to every question, a solution to every problem.
  • We are never lost, lonely or abandoned in life.
  • For we have this infinite wisdom and guidance constantly with us.
  • Learn to trust it. And you…


78. Today I look at life with fresh eyes.

  • When out of town people come to visit, they always help me to see my everyday world through their new eyes.
  • We think we have seen it all and yet we missed so much that is immediately around us.…


79. I am in step with today

  • Within each and everyone of us is the intelligence to understand and use all the new and exciting electronic wonders that are filling our lives.
  • And if we do have difficulty programming our VCR or computer, all we have


80. I maintain my perfect weight.

Junk foods and overly rich foods contribute to our ill health and overweight conditions. When we go for help and drop red meat and dairy and sugar and fat from our menus, then the body automatically goes to and settles…


81. I am in tip top shape.

There was a time when we all ate natural, healthy foods. Today we have to pick our way between the junk and processed nonfoods to find simple healthy food. I have found that the simpler I eat, the healthier I…


82. My animals are healthy and happy.

I refuse to feed my 6 wonderful animals any junk or canned foods. Their bodies are as important as mine. We all take good care of ourselves. I lovingly communicate with my animals, and they let me know how I…


83. I have a natural green thumb.

I love the earth and the earth loves me. I do everything I can to make it rich and productive. Every plant I lovingly touch responds by growing forth in all its glory. House plants are happy, flowers are vibrantly…


84. This is a day of great healing.

The mind that contributes to creating an illness is the same mind that can create Wellness. The cells in our body are constantly responding to the mental atmosphere within us. Like people, they do their best work in a happy,…


85. I love and respect the elders in my life.

The way we treat elders now is the way we will be treated when we become older. I believe that our later years can become our treasured years and that we can all become elders of excellence, living our lives…


86. My vehicle is a safe haven for me.

I always send love to angry drivers on the road. I'm aware that they don't know what they're doing to themselves. Anger creates angry situations. A long time ago, I gave up being angry at poor drivers. I'm not going…


87. Music enriches my life.

We all dance to a different drummer and are fulfilled by different kinds of music. What is uplifting to one person can be a dreadful noise to another. I have a friend who plays meditation music for her trees, and…


88. I know how to quiet my thoughts.

Time alone and inner time gives us the chance to renew our spirits and inner time gives us the guidance we need. I deserve rest and quiet when I need it, and I create a space in my life where…


89. My appearance reflects my love of self.

Our clothes, our cars, and our homes reflect the way we feel about ourselves. A scattered mind will produce scattered objects everywhere. As we bring peace and harmony to our thoughts, our appearance, and all our possessions automatically become harmonious…


90. I have all the time in the world.

Time stretches when I need more and shrinks when I need less time. Time is my servant and I use it wisely here and now in this moment all is well. I have plenty of time for each task that…


91. I give myself a vacation from work.

We do our best work when we give ourselves short periods of rest. A 5 minute break every two hours sharpens our minds. So too, vacation time benefits the mind and body. The workaholics, who never rest or play, become…


92. Children love me.

We need contact with all the generations. Senior condos and retirement communities lack the laughter of children. Connecting with children keeps us young at heart. The little child in us loves to play with children. Children love me. And they…


93. My dreams are a source of wisdom.

I always go to sleep with loving thoughts, to lay the groundwork for the work I do in my dreams. Loving thoughts bring loving answers. I know that many of the questions I have about life can be answered as…


94. I surround myself with positive people.

When we allow negative people to fill our lives, it becomes much harder to stay positive ourselves. So don't allow yourself to be dragged down with other people's negative thinking. Choose your friends with care. My friends and relatives exude…


95. I manage my finances with love.

Every bill you pay is evidence that someone trusted in your ability to earn the money. So, sprinkle love in all your financial transactions, including the IRS. Think of taxes as paying rent to the country. I write my checks…


96. I love my inner child.

Daily connection with our inner child, the little one you once were, contributes to our Wellness. At least once a week, take your inner child by the hand and spend some time with it. Do some special things together. Things…


97. I ask for help when I need it.

Ask and you shall receive. The universe lies in a smiling repose, waiting for me to ask. It is easy for me to ask for help when I need it. I feel safe in the midst of change, knowing that…


98. Holidays are a time of love and joy.

Gifts are wonderful to exchange, but even greater is the love you can share with everyone you meet. Celebrating holidays with my family and friends is always enjoyable. We always make time for laughter and express gratitude for the many…


99. I am patient and kind with everyone I encounter each day.

Try thanking everyone you meet today for something you will be delighted with how much it means to them. You will receive more than you give. I beam kind and loving thoughts to store clerks, restaurant workers, law enforcement personnel…


100. I am an empathetic friend.

When a friend comes to you with a problem, it doesn't necessarily mean they want you to fix it. Probably all they want is a sympathetic ear. A good listener is a valuable friend. I am in tune with other…


101. My planet is important to me.

Loving the earth is something we can all do. Our beautiful earth provides everything we need, and we need to honor her at all times. Saying a small prayer for the earth every day is a loving thing to do.…


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