Published Date: 6/17/2023 6:03:44 AM
- Arthritis is the swelling and tenderness of one or more of your joints. The main symptoms of arthritis are joint pain and stiffness, which typically worsen with age. The most common types of arthritis are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.
What causes arthritis?
- Normal wear and tear cause OA, one of the most common forms of arthritis. An infection or injury to the joints can exacerbate this natural breakdown of cartilage tissue. Your risk of developing OA may be higher if you have a family history of the disease.
Signs of Arthritis:
- Pain, swelling, and stiffness in one or multiple joints.
- Morning stiffness in and around the affected joints lasting at least one hour.
- Pain and stiffness worsen with inactivity and improves with physical activity.
- Reduced range of motion.
- Sometimes fever, weight loss, fatigue, and/or anemia.
There are around 200 types of arthritis or musculoskeletal conditions. These are split into seven main groups:
- Inflammatory arthritis
- Degenerative or mechanical arthritis
- Soft tissue musculoskeletal pain
- Connective tissue disease
- Infectious arthritis
- Metabolic arthritis.
- Back pain
Managing symptoms:
- As well as medical treatments, there are many things you can do to help yourself manage your arthritis.
- You might not always feel like exercising if you have arthritis. And you might be worried that exercising will make your pain or your condition worse.
However, exercise can make symptoms such as pain and swell better. There are several reasons why this is the case:
- Your muscles will become stronger. This will provide better support to the joint.
- Your joints will become supple and less likely to become stiff.
- Your joints will be able to maintain their range of movement.
- Exercise improves your overall health and fitness and can help you maintain a healthy weight.
- Exercise leads to the release of chemicals in the body called endorphins. These are painkillers produced naturally by the body. Releasing them into the blood through exercise can make you feel good.
- Exercising regularly can help you get good sleep, which can help the body repair itself.
Home Remedy (Result in two-three weeks):
- Guggul, Suranjan Shirin, Nirgundi Leaves, Ashwagandha, Sunthi (Dried Ginger), Rasna (Alpinia Galanga), Eranda (Ricinus communis)
(Each 10 grams powder with warm water or warm milk twice a day after food).
Ayurvedic Medicine:
- Jagaraj Gugul
- Rasnadi Quath
- Glucosamine Tablet
- Join Care Tablet
- Vatachitanamani Rasa
- Ashwagandharishta
Remedies For Arthritis:
Camphor Oil for Arthritis:
- Painful swellings and inflammations respond to heat and massages. And when you use the right oil for your massage, your joints will feel relief. You could use commonly available camphor oil and mix it with coconut oil as a natural home remedy for arthritis. Warm up the mix to form gentle aromatic massage oil. Use liberal quantities of the oils to give warm massage to the affected areas regularly, preferably before you go to bed, as a treatment for arthritis.
Hot Salt Massage for Arthritis:
- This one is a simple home remedy for arthritis. You need to take a handful of rock salt and heat it up till it gets as warm as you can possibly bear. Wrap up the hot rock salt in a clean piece of cloth. It should be so hot that you could place it in your knees, but not for a very long duration. Salt is generally used as an anti-skeptic in many conditions, and it would come in handy towards alleviating pain in the case of inflammation of joints as well, proving to be a useful home remedy for arthritis. Keep pressing the warm piece of cloth around the swollen and painful joints to have instant relief from pain and inflammation.
Castor Oil for Arthritis:
- This highly viscous oil is an ideal home remedy for arthritis. Apart from the host of uses that this gives, castor oil could also be used for warm massages of the affected areas in arthritis. Adequately heated castor oil should be applied gently on affected joints and massaged, for an effective home remedy for arthritis.
Turmeric Powder for Arthritis:
- Turmeric is definitely the wonder drug that could have a deep impact on our overall health, with immense properties that come in handy in a variety of ailments. Turmeric comes to the fore when it comes to arthritis too, as you could get some turmeric powder mixed in warm water to be drunk regularly to be effective pain relief. Turmeric has long been known in Indian and Chinese traditional systems of medicine as a powerful anti-inflammatory agent, which could prove beneficial in the treatment and management of arthritis. You could also make a paste of turmeric powder with coconut oil and apply the mixture on the affected areas, on the skin along the affected joints, for effective pain relief and as a useful home remedy for arthritis.
Ginger for Arthritis:
Start drinking one glass of warm water, with ginger and lime at least once every day.
Type of exercise:
- People usually find that low-impact exercise is best. Swimming, cycling, brisk walking, yoga, and Pilates are all examples of exercises that have helped people with arthritis. It’s good to find something you enjoy so that you keep doing it.
- You may feel some discomfort and sometimes pain when you exercise. This feeling is normal and should calm down a few minutes after you finish. It’s not a sign that you are hurting yourself. Exercise will help reduce pain and can help you manage your arthritis better.
- While you can push yourself and do strenuous exercise, it’s important not to overdo it. If you are in pain that you can’t cope with during or after your activity, you will need to see a doctor. The key is to start off gently and gradually increase the amount you do.
- Regular exercise is also an important part of maintaining a healthy weight. This will improve your symptoms as it will take pressure off joints. Being overweight can make someone more likely to have inflammation in their body.
Mudra Therapy For Arthritis:
- SANDHI MUDRA + VAYU MUDRA + PRAN MUDRA (15 minutes each)