Mudra Therapy

Mudra therapy or vigyaan (the science of healing through finger postures) was devised by Indian rishis, and is based on the premise of the human body being made up of five basic elements – earth, water, fire, air and sky, and the five fingers of our hand representing these five basic elements with each one related to above.

Mudra Therapy

Published Date: 6/17/2023 5:51:37 AM

Mudra therapy or vigyaan (the science of healing through finger postures) was devised by Indian rishis, and is based on the premise of the human body being made up of five basic elements – earth, water, fire, air and sky, and the five fingers of our hand representing these five basic elements with each one related to above.

Mudra Vigyan

The Five Elements :
  • The Science of Mudras is based on the fundamental principles of life - the 5 elements, or the Panch Mahabhootas.
  • Our bodies are also made up of these five elements.
  • They are present in fixed proportions.…


Guidelines of Mudras

  • The Mudras given here are different from our usual mudras. They are based on the combined knowledge of Yogic Science and Acupressure. 
  • The Five Elements is a vast topic and a completely different method of diagnosis and treatment.
  • It…


Ayurvedic Doshas

To learn the working of mudras, we first have to understand the three doshas described in Ayurveda. 
  • The 3 doshas are :
  1. Vata Dosha
  2. Pitta Dosha
  3. Kapha Dosha
  • Doshas are made up of the 5 elements.
  • Two elements combine together…


Gyan Mudra ( Vayu Vardhak Mudra )

How to perform :

  1. Join together the tips of the Thumb and index finger.
  2. The other fingers are kept straight and relaxed.
  3. Place the palms, face-up, on your knees or thighs.
  4. Keep your spine and head straight, shoulders relaxed.…


Adho Merudanda Mudra (Mudra for the Lower / Lumbar Spine)

How to perform :

  1. Curl all fingers into the palm to make a light fist.
  2. Extend the thumbs out.
  3. Place the palms on the thighs or knees, facing downwards, with thumbs pointing towards each other.
  4. Keep your spine and…


Akash Mudra (Akash Vardhak Mudra)

How to perform :
  1. Join the tip of the thumb to the tip of the Middle finger.
  2. The other fingers are kept straight and relaxed.
  3. Place the palms, face-up, on your knees or thighs.
  4. Keep your spine and head…


Anjali Mudra

How to perform:
  1. Join together both the hands in the Namaskar gesture, keeping the fingers together.
  2. Let there be a small space of openness in the centre of the palms, with the fingers joined together.
  3. Place the mudra before the…


Apan Mudra (Mudra of Purification)

How to perform:
  1. Join the tips of the Middle and Ring fingers to the tip of the Thumb.
  2. The other fingers are kept straight and relaxed.
  3. Place the palms, face up, on your knees or thighs.
  4. Keep your spine…


Apan Vayu Mudra

How to perform :
  1. Place the index finger on the base of the Thumb.
  2. Join together the tips of the Thumb, Middle and Ring fingers.
  3. The other fingers are kept straight and relaxed.
  4. Place the palms, face-up, on your…


Dhyan Mudra

How to perform :
  1. Sit in Sukhasana (Cross legged) or Padmasana.
  2. Place your left hand on your palm, facing up.
  3. Keep your right hand over the left hand, facing up.
  4. The thumbs can be joined lightly together at the…


Dirgha Svara Mudra (Asthma mudra)

How to perform :
  1. Hold the hands facing each other in front of the chest, with fingers pointing upwards.
  2. Bend the Middle Fingers downwards and press the nails of the Middle Fingers against each other.
  3. Extend the other fingers…


Finger Yoga (Hasta Mudra) General Rules And Guidelines

Before starting the practice of finger yoga, you must know its rules to get the maximum benefits.
  • As we know that in Yogic Asana we need a clean place, a teacher and many more things are required. But Finger Yoga…


Jal Shaamak Mudra (Jalodar Nashak Mudra)

How to perform :

  1. Place the small finger on the base of the Thumb and press it with the Thumb.
  2. The other fingers are kept straight and relaxed.
  3. Place the palms, face up, on your knees or thighs.
  4. Keep…


Jyeshtha Prana Nadi Mudra (Mudra for Upper Lobes of Lungs)

How to perform :
  1. Place the thumbs in the middle of the palms.
  2. Wrap the other around the thumb forming a gentle fist.
  3. Place your palms on the thighs or knees, facing downwards.
  4. Keep your spine and head straight,…


Jyeshtha Sharira Mudra (Mudra for Upper Body)

How to perform :
  1. Raise the arms directly overhead while drawing the shoulders downwards.
  2. Bend the elbows and place palms on the shoulder blades.
  3. Relax the shoulders down.
  4. The neck and head should be kept straight.
Benefits of Jyestha…


Kanishtha Prana Nadi Mudra

How to perform :
  1. Join together the tips of the index Finger and Thumb in as perfect a circle as possible.
  2. Keep all other fingers straight and relaxed.
  3. Place your palms on the thighs or knees, facing downwards.
  4. Keep…


Kanishtha Sharira Mudra ( Mudra For Lower Body )

How to perform :
  1. Place the web between your thumbs and index fingers on both sides of your waist, just under the ribs.
  2. The Thumbs should face backward and the fingers should be pointing forward.
  3. Keep the fingers together…


Kapha Constitution

  • Well developed bodies.
  • Large strong frames.
  • Tendency to gain weight easily.
  • Chests expanded and broad.
  • Veins and tendon not obvious because of thick skin .
  • Good muscle development.
  • Fair, bright complexion.
  • Soft, lustrous, oily skin. It is cold and…


Linga Mudra

How to perform :
  1. Interlock all the fingers together.
  2. Keep the thumb of the left hand extended and facing up.
  3. Place the hands in front of the abdomen.
  4. Keep your spine and head straight, shoulders relaxed.
Benefits of Linga…


Madhyama Prana Nadi Mudra ( Mudra for Middle Lobes of Lungs )

How to perform :
  1. Join together the tips of the index finger and Thumb.
  2. Curl all other fingers inside the palm.
  3. Place your palms on the thighs or knees, facing downwards.
  4. Keep your spine and head straight, shoulders relaxed.…


Madhyama Sharira Mudra

How to perform :
  1. With the fingers together, stretch the thumbs away from the fingers.
  2. Gently press thumbs into the armpit and rest the index finger at the upper chest.
  3. Keep forearms and palms parallel with the earth.
  4. Keep…


Matangi Mudra

How to perform :
  1. Interlock all the fingers together.
  2. Touch the middle fingers to each other, keeping them straight and pointed upwards.
  3. Place your hands in front of the abdomen.
  4. Keep your spine and head straight, shoulders relaxed.


Medha Prana Kriya Mudra (Mudra for the Brain : Non Resistance)

How to perform :

  1. Put the tip of the index finger on the first joint of the Thumb.
  2. Keep the other fingers extended straight.
  3. Place the palms on the knees or thighs, facing upwards.
  4. Keep your spine and head…


Merudanda Mudra (The Mudra For The Spine)

How to perform:
  1. Curl all fingers into the palm to make a light fist.
  2. Extend the thumbs out.
  3. Point your thumbs straight up.
  4. Rest the hands-on thighs or knees.
  5. Keep your spine and head straight, shoulders relaxed.
  6. Perform the…


Merudanda Mudras

  • Merudanda means Spine.
  • Hence, as the name implies, the Merudanda mudras are beneficial for the spine.
  • The 3 Merudanda Mudras help to cure problems of the Cervical, Thoracic and Lumbar spine.
  • These mudras are formed by closing the hand…


Pitta & Kapha Nashak Mudra

How to perform :

  1. Place the small finger on the base of the Thumb and touch the tips of the Thumb and touch the tips of Thumb and Ring finger together.
  2. The other fingers are kept straight and relaxed.…


Pitta Constitution

  • Medium height.
  • Slender, delicate body frame.
  • Veins, muscles, and tendons are not as predominant as Vata.
  • The complexion is coppery, yellowish, reddish, or fair.
  • Soft, warm skin, fewer wrinkles.
  • Thin, silky, red, or brownish hair.
  • The tendency for premature…


Pitta Karak - Kapha Nashak Mudra

How to perform :

  1. Place the Ring finger and the Small finger on the base of the Thumb and press them with the Thumb.
  2. The other fingers are kept straight and relaxed.
  3. Place the palms, face-up, on your knees…


Poorna Prana Nadi Mudra ( Mudra for all the Lobes of Lungs )

How to perform :
  1. Place the thumbs in the middle of the palms.
  2. Wrap the other fingers around the thumb forming a gentle fist.
  3. Turn the fists upwards so the knuckles of both hands touch each other.
  4. Place your…


Poorna Svara Mudra ( Mudra for Complete Breath )

How to perform :
  1. Place the tip of the Small Finger on the base joint of the Thumb.
  2. Place the tip of the Ring Finger on the Middle Joint of the Thumb.
  3. Join together the tips of the Middle…


Prajna Prana Kriya Mudra ( Mudra for the Brain : Stability )

  • 'Prajna' - 'wisdom'
  • 'Prana' - 'life force'
  • 'Kriya' - 'the action of purification' 
How to perform :
  1. Put the tip of the index finger on the base of the Thumb.
  2. Keep the other fingers extended straight.
  3. Place the palms…


Pran Mudra (Kapha Karak - Pitta Naashak Mudra)

How to perform :

  1. Join the tips of the Ring and Small fingers to the tip of the Thumb.
  2. The other fingers are kept straight and relaxed.
  3. Place the palms, face-up, on your knees or thighs.
  4. Keep your spine…


Prana Kriya Mudras

  • Each Prana Kirya mudras has practical application and spiritual effect.
  • In these mudras – fire touches with air.
  • Each finger represents something :
  1. Thumb - Universal Self.
  2. Index Finger - Individual Self.
  3. Middle Finger - Ego.
  4. Ring Finger -…


Prana Nadi Mudras

  • These mudras affect different areas of the body and the lungs according to their performance.
  • These are technically energetic mudras (Prana = life force, nadi = channel) that work with the breath.
  • They channel breath and prana into the…


Prana Vayus

  •  Prana is Life Force Energy.
  •  5 Major Prana Vayus in the body - Pancha Prana.
  •  Govern different areas of the body and carry out different physical and subtle activities. 
  •  Named after regions they work in and functions they perform.…


Prithvi Mudra (Prithvi Vardhak Mudra)

How to perform :

  1. Join the tip of the Ring Finger to the tip of the Thumb.
  2. The other fingers are kept straight and relaxed.
  3. Place the palms, face-up, on your knees or thighs.
  4. Keep your spine and head…


Pushan Mudra

How to perform :
  1. This mudra is performed differently with both hands.
  2. Right Hand: Join the tips of the index finger and Middle finger to the tips of the Thumb.
  3. Left Hand: Join the tips of the middle finger…


Rudra Mudra

How to perform :
  1. Join the tips of the Index Finger and Ring Finger to the tip of the Thumb.
  2. The other fingers are kept straight and relaxed.
  3. Place the palms, face-up on your knees or thighs.
  4. Keep your…


Sahaj Shankha Mudra

How to perform :
  1. Interlock the fingers together, pressing the palms against each other.
  2. Join both the thumbs at their length, laying them parallel to each other, pressing down on the index finger of the right hand.
  3. Place the…


Samana Mudra (Mudra for balancing the 5 Elements)

How to perform :
  1. Join the tips of the Index, Middle, Ring & Small fingers to the tip of the thumb.
  2. Place the palms, face-up, on your knees or thighs.
  3. Keep your spine and head straight, shoulders relaxed.
  4. Perform…


Sandhi Mudra

How to perform :
  1. This mudra is performed differently with both hands.
  2. Right Hand: Join tips of Ring Finger and Thumb together.
  3. Left Hand: Join tips of Middle Finger and Thumb together.
  4. Place the palms, face-up, on your knees…


Shakti Mudra

How to perform :
  1. Place the Thumb inside the palm.
  2. Cover the Thumb with the index and middle fingers.
  3. Join the small and Ring Finger of the Right hand to the corresponding Small and Ring Finger of the right…


Shankha Mudra

How to perform:
  1. Place the Left Thumb on the right palm.
  2. Cover the left thumb with the four fingers of the right hand.
  3. Join the tips of the left index finger and Middle finger to the Thumb of the…


Shraddha Prana Kriya Mudra (Mudra for the Brain : Clarity)

How to perform:

  1. Join the tips of the index fingers to the tips of the thumbs in a complete circle.
  2. Keep the other fingers extended straight.
  3. Place the palms on the knees or thighs, facing upwards.
  4. Keep your spine…


Shunya Vayu Mudra (Vata Nashak Mudra)

  • This mudra is also known as Vata Nashak Mudra.
  • It is a combination of Shunya and Vayu mudras.
  • Space Element is reduced by Shunya mudra and Vayu is reduced by Vayu mudra
  • The Vata Nashak mudra brings about a…


Surabhi Mudra (Tridosha Nashak mudra)

How to perform :
  1. Join the tip of the Ring finger of the right hand to the tip of the small finger of the left hand.
  2. Join the tip of the Ring finger of the left hand to the…


Surya Mudra

  • This mudra increases the Agni Element in the body. 
  • It can also be called the Agni Vardhak mudra.
  • It decreases the Prithvi Element in the body hence is called the Prithvi Shamak mudra.
  • When the Ring finger (Earth element)…


The Sharira Mudras

  • Sharira means 'body'.
  • The three Sharira Mudras channel breath to three main regions of the body – upper, middle, and lower.
  • Also activate breathing in three main regions of the Lungs: upper, middle, and lower regions.
  • Activate each of…


Udaan Mudra

How to perform:
  1. Join the tips of the index, middle & Ring fingers to the tip of the Thumb.
  2. The other fingers are kept straight and relaxed.
  3. Place the palms, face-up, on your knees or thighs.
  4. Keep your spine…


Urdhav Merudanda Mudra (Mudra for Upper Spine)

How to perform:
  1. Curl all fingers into the palm to make a tight fist.
  2. Extend the thumbs out.
  3. Place your palms on the thighs or knees, face-up, so that the thumbs are pointing outwards, away from each other.
  4. Keep your…


Uttarbodhi Mudra

How to perform :
  1. Interlock all the fingers.
  2. Join the Index fingers to each other. Keep them straight, pointing upwards.
  3. Join the Thumbs together and extend them downwards.
  4. Keep the other fingers interlocked.
  5. Keep your hands in front of…


Varun Mudra (Jal Mudra or Bhudi Mudra)

How to perform :

  1. Join the tip of the small finger to the tip of the Thumb.
  2. The other fingers are kept straight and relaxed.
  3. Place the palms, face-up, on your knees or thighs.
  4. Keep your spine and head…


Vata & Kapha Naashak Mudra

How to perform :
  1. Place the index finger and Ring finger on the base of the Thumb and press with both with the Thumb.
  2. The other fingers are kept straight and relaxed.
  3. Place the palms, face-up, on your knees…


Vata & Pitta Naashak Mudra

How to perform :

  • Place the index finger on the base of the Thumb and touch the tips of the Thumb and Ring finger together.
  • The other fingers are kept straight and relaxed.
  • Place the palms, face-up, on your…


Vata Constitution

  • Carefree.
  • Weak physical development.
  • Flat chests.
  • Too tall or too short.
  • Clearly visible muscles, tendons, bones due to improper muscle development.
  • Rough, dry skin. 
  • Brownish complexion.
  • Sparse and curly hair.
  • Dark, small, sunken eyes.
  • Bent, turned up nose.
  • Brittle…


Vayu Mudra (Vayu Shaamak Mudra)

How to perform :
  1. Keep the Index finger on the base of the Thumb and press the thumb over it.
  2. The other fingers are kept straight and relaxed.
  3. Place the palms, face-up, on your knees or thighs.
  4. Keep your…


Vyan Mudra (Vata Karak mudra)

How to perform :
  1. Join the tips of the index & the Middle of the fingers to the tip of the Thumb.
  2. The other fingers are kept straight and relaxed.
  3. Place the palms, face-up, on your knees or thighs.
  4. Keep…



Does thus mudra help to balance Samana vayu ?
6/30/2021 7:21:40 AM

Please visit Samana Mudra more details.  

If you want to know more about any particular disease and reference of mudras visit the following url: 

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3/16/2023 3:19:11 PM
Prasath Rao
Namaste, Thank you for wonderful description and guide for mudra One question: Can we combine Prithvi Mudra and Rudra mudra for initial stages og inguinal hernia?
5/22/2023 3:28:52 AM

Yes, We can combine Prithvi Mudra and Rudra Mudra together for initial stages of inguinal harnia. 

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